“ ” NATIONAL FORUM ON SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE EMPOWERMENT Creating an Enabling Environment for SMEs in Sri Lanka – The Role of the Public Sector Madhawa Waidyaratna Additional Secretary (Technology Transfer) Ministry of Technology and Research
Contemporary SME- A Paradigm Shift 2 S&T Initiatives in Sri Lanka Era of “New Industrial Revolution” has emerged Driven by the integration of ICT with Manufacturing Technology Open source designs and 3-D printing has brought manufacturing process to the desktop Digital design and rapid prototyping provide the power to invent, create an age of custom-fabricated, do-it-yourself product design and creation Originality, exclusivity and customization are the critical features of business operations today
Contemporary SME- A Paradigm Shift 3 S&T Initiatives in Sri Lanka The term ‘Small and Medium Enterprise’ is a reference to the scale of business operation Growth has been conventionally equated to getting bigger Size can often create dysfunction in the context of the turbulent business environment of today Contemporary businesses have grown in depth, grown in the quality delivered to the customer and grown in profits but without necessarily growing in size The Bonsai model calls for a shift from large factories of mass production to distributed production “Cloud manufacturing” analogous to the concept of “cloud computing” in ICT
Vision for S&T Initiatives in Sri Lanka GREEN GROWTH GDP per capita of 8000 USD in year 2020 Ambitious Economic Development Targets
To Escape Middle Income Trap 5 S&T Initiatives in Sri Lanka Infrastructure Development Green growth Reversing Brain Drain Innovation based Economy High-tech Exports Value addition to local resources
Role of the Public Sector 6 S&T Initiatives in Sri Lanka Access to Technology (Bridging Technology divide) Access to Finance/capital Access to market place Strengthening STI eco system Making R&D Relevant Promote innovations
Water Food, Nutrition and Agriculture HealthShelter EnergyTextileEnvironment Mineral Resources Software and Knowledge Services Emerging Technologies and Traditional Knowledge Investment framework for R&D 7 S&T Initiatives in Sri Lanka
High Tech Areas 8 S&T Initiatives in Sri Lanka High-tech electronics Nanotechnolo gy Biotechnology Genomics Genetic engineering Nanobiotechn ology ICTRobotics Space technology
High-tech Market 9 S&T Initiatives in Sri Lanka $20 bn Nanotechnology $262 bn Biotechnology $ 484 bn Electronics and semi conductor
—.ïfodr oyila - wxl=r iyila˜ Bringing Technology to Grassroot 10 Vidatha Action Plan 2014
Technology Transfer to MSMEs 11 S&T Initiatives in Sri Lanka Technology for Entrepreneurs Technology for Community Technology for Future Generation
Presence of Vidatha 12 Vidatha Action Plan 2014
Technology Transfer to MSMEs 13 S&T Initiatives in Sri Lanka
Key Strategies 14 Vidatha Action Plan 2014 Empowering entrepreneurs through providing technical and managerial skills Resource exploration and mappingSpecial Development Projects for identified industriesBridging between technology providers and usersDevelopment of Educational and Promotional Material
15 S&T Initiatives in Sri Lanka THANK YOU