Bringing Scientific Research to the Public in Horizon 2020 Sofoklis A. Sotiriou Ellinogermaniki Agogi Greece.


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Presentation transcript:

Bringing Scientific Research to the Public in Horizon 2020 Sofoklis A. Sotiriou Ellinogermaniki Agogi Greece

Openness to Innovation “To ensure that innovation fully contributes to our smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, we must communicate more and better on new scientific developments and new technologies, on their benefits for the society and also on their risks. A good public understanding of such complex issues is key to dismiss possible misperception and anxiety, and to guarantee social acceptance of innovation and indeed more than acceptance: openness to innovation.“ José Manuel Durão Barroso President of the European Commission on “The Innovation Union” December 2011

New range of possibilities HORIZON 2020 offers a wide range of possibilities for science communicators, local and regional stakeholders working in universities, scientific institutions, science centres, NGOs, cities and regions throughout Europe. In order to maximise the funding impact of HORIZON 2020 it will be necessary to support and create strategic alliances and open dialogues between researchers, local and regional policy makers and the public.

Impact driven The new strategic focus is challenge- and impact-driven, compared to the topic oriented FP7- predecessor. In this context the European Commission has identified the need to create alliances with local and regional stakeholders, policy makers and the wider public. In addition to scientific innovation, initiatives will have to meet European policy goals and foster critical dialogue on scientific, technological and innovation issues with the public. This approach leads to a redefined role of communication and dissemination with a strong focus on the implementation of research and innovation in European societies: From “Science in Society” to “Responsible Research and Innovation”.

Science with and for Society The ‘Science with and for Society’ programme will be instrumental in addressing the European societal challenges tackled by Horizon 2020, building capacities and developing innovative ways of connecting science to society. It will make science more attractive (notably to young people), increase society's appetite for innovation, and open up further research and innovation activities. It allows all societal actors (researchers, citizens, policy makers, business, third sector organisations etc.) to work together during the whole research and innovation process in order to better align both the process and its outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of European society. This approach to research and innovation is called Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

Responsible Research and Innovation RRI is an inclusive approach to research and innovation (R&I), to ensure that societal actors work together during the whole research and innovation process. It aims to better align both the process and outcomes of R&I, with the values, needs and expectations of European society. In general terms, RRI implies anticipating and assessing potential implications and societal expectations with regard to research and innovation. In practice, RRI consists of designing and implementing R&I policy that will: engage society more broadly in its research and innovation activities, increase access to scientific results, ensure gender equality, in both the research process and research content, take into account the ethical dimension, and promote formal and informal science education.

RRI Eurobarometer 2013 Consistent with findings of earlier Eurobarometer surveys2, this Eurobarometer confirms that there is no rejection of the impetus towards innovation: the vast majority of Europeans have a positive view on science and technology. The 2013 RRI Eurobarometer shows that 77% of EU citizens agree that science and technology have a positive impact on society, and the majority of respondents in each country think this way. There is however concern about their potential for negative consequences, and the speed of change they can cause on our ways of life. Furthermore, more than half of Europeans believe that when it comes to decisions made about science and technology, public dialogue is required (55%).

RRI Eurobarometer 2013 The 2013 RRI Eurobarometer furthermore shows that at least half of all Europeans are interested in developments in science and technology (53%), although only 40% say they feel informed about them. Country level results illustrate that levels of information about developments in science and technology are not uniform, with Eastern and Southern countries less likely to feel informed.

Some findings There is a strong positive correlation (r=0.74) between being informed about developments in science and technology and the level of innovation performance at national level. However, there is not a strong correlation between feeling informed about developments in science and technology and thinking that the influence of science on society is positive. Societal opinion on science and innovation is therefore not principally determined by ‘scientific literacy’. Other interesting findings are that eight out of ten respondents agree that the EU should actively promote worldwide respect for European ethical principles for conducting scientific research. Also, more than eight out of ten (86%) respondents think it is important that scientific research takes equal account of the needs of men and women.

Follow VOICES for Innovation and RRI Tools

12 Bringing Nobel Prize Winning Physics to Schools

school classroom with HYPATIA

What is expected? Project evaluators will expect creative multidisciplinary networks, actively involving stakeholders from different fields and disciplines - including the humanities, social sciences and policy- makers in cities and regions. To achieve a deeper understanding of science and innovation as motors of an innovative, sustainable and inclusive Europe, science communicators, stakeholders and policy makers in cities and regions will have a key role to play!

RRI Framework RRI means that societal actors work together during the whole research and innovation process in order to better align both the process and its outcomes, with the values, needs and expectations of European society. The Commission envisages 6 key issues in that RRI-framework: 1.Engagement 2.Unlock the full potential of learners 3.Creative Learning 4.Sharing results 5.Doing the right ‘thing’ and doing it right 6.Designing science for and with society Keywords: critical thinking, social benefit, ethical aspects of science, active and engaged citizens, stakeholders as co- designers

Innovative ways to make science education and STEM careers attractive to young people adhering to the values embedded in Responsible Research and Innovation Keywords: open-access educational resources; use of science media; creativity and science; gender balance in research; practical value of research ethics and integrity Link with SCIENTIX Partners: different levels of the education system, research institutions, industry, Civil Society Organisations Type of actions: Research and Innovation Actions; Coordination and Support Actions Requested EU contr.: between EUR 1 and 1.8 mill Deadline for submission: 02/10/2014 Expected impact: In the short term, the action will coordinate and leverage Member States activities with respect to innovative approaches in the field of science education and scientific careers. In the medium term, the action will position EU research teams on the map as leaders in innovative science education methods and meeting Europe's targets regarding R&D intensity and competiveness. It will increase the number of researchers and innovators, including women, in the public sector and in industry who will be able to better address societal challenge. As a result, in the long term, the action will contribute towards achieving the Europe 2020 education target by improving STEM skills among young people – less than 15% of pupils under- performing by 2020 – and increasing the range of innovative products that reflect societal needs.

Innovative approach to communication encouraging girls to study science awareness raising activities (workshops, seminars, hands-on activities, etc.) to be carried out with the contribution of gender experts Keywords: role models for year-old girls, gender equality in science, science communication Partners: schools, science museums; research centres, regional/national authorities Type of actions: Coordination and Support Actions Requested EU contr.: between EUR 0.6 and 0.9 mill Deadline for submission: 02/10/2014

Pan-European public outreach: exhibitions and science cafés engaging citizens in science public outreach exhibitions and participatory events throughout the whole of Europe to engage citizens in science Keyword: science cafés, exhibitions (multimedia, virtual reality, gaming, etc.), public feedback of exhibits and the outcomes of science cafés deliberations, training material of RRI Toolkit Partners: science museums, HEIs, science shops, scientific centres of excellence and innovation hubs, cities of scientific culture, but also grassroot movements, secondary schools, higher education centres, Non- Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and civil society organizations, local public authorities Type of actions: Coordination and Support Actions Requested EU contr.: between EUR 3 and 3.5 mill Deadline for submission: 02/10/2014

Grown out of CERN´s participation in the PATHWAY Project, is an educational and outreach initiative that demonstrates the impact of developing positive and responsible attitudes among young people towards particle physics, physics and science through the combined use of inquiry and creativity in formal but also informal settings. Central to is the design and implementation of extended learning activities through which students can experience how big science works but they can also understand and appreciate the value of scientific work in large research infrastructures for informing responsible citizenship in a knowledge-based society. In designing such activities, acts as a bridge between the scientific community at CMS and CERN, science educators, and art and creative communities from Europe and beyond for mobilizing students, especially those with no or little prior interest in science, to re-visit their approach through collaborative activities that develop creative thinking, collaborative spirit, and communication From Science Learning through Inquiry to Science Learning through Creativity

Fostering public outreach by researchers – identifying expectations and challenges empowering researchers to engage with society Keywords: EU wide comparative analysis, expectations and challenges of researchers to participate in public engagement and outreach, role of other key stakeholders involved in public outreach and dialogue Partners: science museums, HEIs, science shops, scientific centres of excellence and innovation hubs, cities of scientific culture, but also grassroot movements, secondary schools, higher education centres, Non- Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and civil society organizations, local public authorities Type of actions: Public Procurement Requested EU contr.: EUR 0.85 mill Deadline for submission: second semester 2014

Information and Communication Technologies call: Content technologies and information management ICT 20 – 2015: Technologies for better human learning and teaching Establishing a technology platform to provide a framework and roadmap for stakeholders, led by industry in collaboration with academia, to develop innovative technologies for learning Support to large scale pilots (in real settings) that develop and integrate innovative digital educational tools, solutions and services for learning and teaching, and supporting engagement of teachers, learners and parents. Type of actions: Research and Innovation Actions; Innovation actions Requested EU contr.: Proposals requesting a Small contribution are expected from the EU of between EUR 2M and EUR 4M Proposals requesting a Large contribution are expected from the EU of between EUR 5M and EUR 8M Deadline for submission: expected 21/Apr/2015 (publication date 15/Oct/2014)

SPACE call: “Competitiveness of the European Space Sector: Technology and Science” H2020-COMPET-2014 COMPET 10 – 2014: Outreach through education The main delivery of the action should be an initiative capable of attracting the interest of a significant number of students towards space, while creating at the same time a relevant impact outside the targeted population in terms of news coverage, social-media interest, stakeholders’ involvement, etc. The key advancements of the European space initiatives (Seventh Framework Programme-H2020 projects, Copernicus and Galileo) should be given a privileged position in the proposal, but the main objective should remain attracting the interest of students, mainly European, for space exploration science and technology. Proposals should take into account similar activities of ESA and national education programmes. They could focus in the context of the classroom or outside the normal classroom environment, including contests. The European Space Agency will not participate in consortia of proposals submitted under this call for proposals. Type of actions: Coordination and Support Actions Requested EU contr.: proposals between EUR 1 and 2 million. A total of 4 million Euro has been set aside for topics COMPET 10 and COMPET 11. Deadline for submission: 26/03/2014

Basic Steps Summary of the proposal idea (1-2 pages) Develop the workplan Select the best partners to make it happen Distribute the resources in the appropriate way Connect the objectives and the main tasks – Clear measurable objectives Connect the main tasks with the main project impacts.

Basic Steps Always refer to the call text Always refer to the evaluation criteriaevaluation criteria

Thank you