Adapt Adaptivity and adaptability in ODL (Minerva/Socrates project)
Background I A network of 6 European universities (Eindhoven, Twente, Milano, Trento, Southampton and Nottingham) Aim: to produce a series of guidelines for good practice for authoring in EAH (educational, adaptive hypermedia) systems.
Background II Investigation of current EAH systems to determine “adaptive patterns”, possibly develop a taxonomy of these. Good vs. Bad ? What are Patterns?
Patterns Design Pattern = EAH design pattern = Design Pattern = EAH design pattern =
Patterns example we are using an EAH to teach maths: our “teaching goal” - is to teach each student at a level appropriate to their understanding our “customised design” – is to alter the presentation of material to be relevant for that student.
Design Dimensions Identified ‘high level’ patterns: Content Domain Learner Model Instructional Views Adaptation Rules Detection Mechanism the Content and Learner Domains will now be expanded upon:
Content Domain Types: Fact Principle Example Formal Definition Procedure Theory Demonstration Etc ….
Learner Model Types (which learner attributes): Domain dependant aspects User knowledge of a given concept (m/M, V) Background Knowledge (M, S) Motivations (M), Goals (M/m), Tasks (m) Performance (M/m) Scaffolding required (M/m) Time to Complete
Learner Model Domain independent aspects (M, S) Learning Style PersonalitySex Accessibility Issues How? Overlay Model (1-n mapping from concepts to user micro attributes) Stereotype Model (for Macro attributes)
Next … Take a subset of these design patterns and create an authoring system. Why? Current authoring systems do not cover anything more than creation of content. Even then there are no guidelines for the creation of content in an adaptive system. Re-use of extant materials
Next … Aim: Full specification of an adaptive authoring system. System to author adaptive structures (lessons/tutorials) and the content to address them. Creation of a prototype
Prototype Use a rule set created for EAH systems. Output from a generic tool for specific systems (e.g. WHURLE, MOT, AHA!) example