Office Timesheets Tool Or go to and click on the Office Timesheets link in the footer.
Ignore the warning, click on the link to continue How to login
Notes: Remember to Bookmark this page BEFORE you login! If your browser does not let you bookmark this site, please go to the Academy portal ( and click on the Office Timesheets link in the
Your login is NOT case- sensitive. The system will also display suggestion as you’re typing. You may accept the suggestion or you may just click anywhere on the white space to close the suggestion and continue with your password. How to login
Default view: VIEW SHEETS Default tab: timesheet Line item (task) Time Entry Password change Reports Overview Interface Overview Interface
Line item (task) Budget Category Project Task Time Entry Time Entry Daily total Time Entry Weekly total Overview How to read your timesheet Overview How to read your timesheet
How to add a new line item (task) to your template You only have to do this once for each new task. Once added, it will be permanent in your template. (to remove a line in your template, please contact Thanh) Scenario: Ann has been recently assigned to teach the OPEX class so she needs to enter her time spent on delivering the class. In our ADDIE model, delivering a course falls under “implementation”. Ann has never done this task before, therefore OPEX course is not on her current template. So first, Ann has to find the budget category (Classroom/Virtual); then find the project (OPEX Classroom); then the task. -Category: Classroom/Virtual -Project: OPEX Classroom -Task: Implementation
Click on “Add Task” to add a new line item to your template (see next slide) DO NOT USE THIS! This option is not very intuitive, only use it if you know what it does. Make sure this is your timesheet! If you’re viewing another employee’s timesheet, you won’t be able to add a new line item. Add a new task
Make sure your name is here! 1.Select a category 2.Select a project 3.Select a task Add a new task Select a category Add a new task Select a category
1.Select a category from the dropdown and click “OK” Add a new task Select a category Add a new task Select a category
2. Click here to select a project Add a new task Select a project Add a new task Select a project
Add a new task Select a project Add a new task Select a project
Add a new task Select a project Add a new task Select a project
Click OK when done Add a new task Select a project Add a new task Select a project
3. Click here to select a task Add a new task Select a task Add a new task Select a task
Add a new task Select a task Add a new task Select a task
A general classroom project template includes these tasks. Select a task and click “OK”. Each task will be a line item. So you’ll need to repeat this process for each task that you want to add to your template. Click OK when done Add a new task Select a task Add a new task Select a task
A new line item (task) has been added to your template in alphabetical order. Add a new task Complete Add a new task Complete
Enter/Edit/Delete your time
Quick edit mode: select a cell and type the number of hours (1:30) to record new time or to overwrite existing time. Notes: Time format will be HH:MM or H:MM. If MM>60, the system will convert minutes to hours accordingly. For quick edit mode, the system will automatically save your entries Double click on the cell to go to full edit mode (see next slide) Click here to delete the selected cell Add/Edit/Delete time entry
Time entry Click here to add notes Click here to save your edit and close this window Click here to delete this time entry (1:30), it will not remove your line item. Add/Edit/Delete time entry Full Edit Mode Add/Edit/Delete time entry Full Edit Mode Please ignore these fields, they don’t apply to us.
Running Reports
Running Detail Reports
Click here to run reports
There’s no report templates listed here if this is the first time you view this page. If your list is empty, click here to load report templates Running Detail Reports
Select these 2 options and click OK Running Reports
Select the template and Click RUN Running Detail Reports Level 1: Categories Level 2: Projects Level 3: Tasks
Default date range Default template will show all employees Click here to edit your viewing criteria Running Detail Reports
Select employee, account category, project, or task Running Detail Reports
select date range Running Detail Reports
You must click here to apply your new criteria Running Detail Reports
Your new criteria has been applied Running Detail Reports
Export options Running Detail Reports
Running Summary Reports
click here to run summary reports
Running Summary Reports DOUBLE CLICK On this cell to define your column
Running Summary Reports Select “Time Spent”
Running Summary Reports Select your start date
Running Summary Reports Select your start date then click “OK”
Running Summary Reports 1. Select your end date like previous step 3. Click OK when done 2. Enter Column Label
Running Summary Reports Click here to edit criteria
Running Summary Reports 1. Select a user form the list 3. Uncheck “Employee” 2. Select categories/projects/tasks you want to see 4. Check these items as needed 5. Click OK when done
Running Summary Reports You Must click “Recalculate” to apply your settings Export to CVS (flat file) as needed
Best Practices Open in the morning and minimize Make it part of any task Front load leave, travel, training events, meetings If not at computer, put it in ASAP Use productivity reports