Web of Science Core Collection Science Citation Index Expanded Social Sciences Citation Index Arts & Humanities Citation Index Conference Proceedings Citation Index Science Social Science & Humanities Book Citation Index Science Social Science & Humanities Benchmarking & Analytics Data from all source editions from Essential Science Indicators Data from most recent 10 year period Limited document types Top performing authors, institutions, countries, journals, and papers in 22 broad categories Journal Citation Reports Impact Factor uses data from most recent JCR data year + prior 2 years InCites & Web of Science Core Collection WEB OF SCIENCE PLATFORMINCITES PLATFORM
Introduction to Journal Citation Reports JCR distills citation trend data for over 11,000 Science and Social Sciences journals every year Science Edition and Social Science Edition released annually (summer) No Arts and Humanities edition All journals in JCR appear in Web of Science™ Core Collection first
InCites: Journal Citation Reports –Integration of Impact Factor data and journal information with Web of Science™ Core Collection –Expanded access to historical citation impact data –View journals across both SCIE and SSCI editions in one list –Expanded visualizations of publication data and citation trends –Easily create, save, and export reports –Create custom journal comparisons
Compilation of science performance statistics and science trends data derived from Web of Science™Core Collection data Ranks authors, institutions, countries and journals across 22 broad disciplines Used to conduct analyses of scientific literature: –Identify top researchers or institutions in specific disciplines –Identify trends and emerging areas of research –Who is publishing the ‘hottest’ papers in a field? Integration with Web of Science™Core Collection –Identify Hot and Highly Cited papers in search results –Refine by Hot and Highly Cited papers Introduction to Essential Science Indicators
ESI Data Approximately 12 million items from over 11,000 journals Articles, reviews, proceedings papers, research notes –Does not include letters, editorial material, etc. 10-year rolling file Updated every 2 months
Multidisciplinary tool covering 22 disciplines Scope notes for each field: Agricultural Sciences Biology & Biochemistry Chemistry Clinical Medicine Computer Science Ecology/Environment Economics & Business Engineering Geosciences Immunology Material Sciences Mathematics Microbiology Molecular Biology & Genetics Multidisciplinary Neuroscience & Behavior Pharmacology & Toxicology Physics Plant & Animal Science Psychology/Psychiatry Social Sciences, general Space Science Research Fields
Citation Percentile Data years examined Researchers1%10 Institutions1%10 Countries50%10 Journals50%10 Highly Cited Papers1%10 Hot Papers.1%2 Citation Thresholds
Only data from indexed journals is taken into account. Citations to books, book chapters, or articles from other sources are not considered All authors, institutions and countries on a paper are credited equally Papers are defined as articles, reviews, proceedings papers and research notes – letters, corrections, abstracts, etc. are not counted Citation Count Calculations
InCites Benchmarking & Analytics allows you access to article level performance metrics from Web of Science™ Core Collection data 1980-present. Benchmark institutions and researchers to peers using a wider range of Absolute and Normalized metrics Identify top performing researchers from any institution Easy visualization data within the application Organize information into relevant dashboards and reports Leverage curated reports for easy start-up 10 InCites: Benchmarking & Analytics
The data included in InCites Benchmarking and Analytics v2.9: 11 Data will be updated every two months Current data run through October 2014 Standard Address Unification (Global Comparisons, Org-Enhanced) ParametersValues Source EditionsSCIE, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI, CPCI-H, BKCI, BKCI-H Citing EditionsALL Document TypesALL Source and Citing Years
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