Applications for funding Claire Vajdic PhD Team Leader, Adult Cancer Program, Cancer Aetiology and Prevention Group Lowy Cancer Research Centre Postgraduate Coordinator, Prince of Wales Clinical School
Outline During your higher degree –Scholarships After your higher degree –Fellowships What is available How to apply Practical tips
Key messages 1. Advance planning - strategy Review and revise career plans regularly Inform yourself 2. Build on your academic record Publications Presentations (local, national, international) Awards (travel, conference) Complete on time 3. Build your profile Be seen, be heard, network Mentors - guidance
Why apply for a scholarship? Stipend = your general living costs Free up grant funds for your research consumables, conference attendance etc Recognition and reward for academic excellence Awarded to those with greatest potential to further succeed in research Differentiate you from your peers Springboard to Fellowship Enhance your choice of postdoctoral placements
Who is eligible for a scholarship? Full-time students (predominantly) 4-yr bachelor degree with Honours Class I from an Australian institution or an equivalent research qualification/experience i.e. Outstanding to superior academic record and/or superior outcomes from Honours/Masters by research Read the guidelines –if unsure, ask your supervisors and PGC Must have the support of your supervisors Be strategic if you are eligible for >1
Who is eligible for a scholarship? Criteria to note Citizen/residency requirements if you are not an Australian or NZ citizen Cannot have previously completed a degree at the same level or higher than that proposed Apply in 1 st or 2 nd year of HD; for some you cannot have completed 2 semesters FTE (PhD), 1 semester FTE (Masters) There is usually a maximum stipend for those holding 2 concurrent scholarships Some: upper limit on paid employment Usually cannot be deferred
Who is competitive for a scholarship? You University medalist Outstanding academic record –Awards Excellent research track record –Peer-reviewed publications –First author conference abstracts Your HD project Not taken into account
How to apply for a scholarship? Don’t leave it to the last minute –Supporting documents –Academic transcripts must be certified or originals –Ask someone to check it for typos and completeness –Signatures Complete the form in full; if unsure, ask your supervisors, PGC or GRS contact Speak to Faculty contact at GRS Identify 2 academic referees familiar with your area of study and your abilities
What scholarships are available? Check the GRS website Search elsewhere, ask around Check JASON,
What scholarships are available? Commonwealth government: NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council “The aim of the scholarships scheme is to support outstanding Australian health and medical graduates early in their career so that they can be trained to conduct research that is internationally competitive and develop a capacity for original independent research.” Additional allowances, including relocation allowance First class Honours graduates only Highly competitive
What scholarships are available? Commonwealth government: APA Australian Postgraduate Awards “Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA) are scholarships awarded to students of exceptional research potential to undertake a higher degree by research at an Australian university. In 2010, approximately 3,080 APA places will be available from the Commonwealth Government in conjunction with Australian universities.” First class Honours, or Degree and an outstanding record of professional and/or research achievements since graduation
What scholarships are available? UNSW – local students Research Excellence Awards University Postgraduate Awards (UPA) Faculty Postgraduate Awards Automatic consideration for ranked but unsuccessful APA applicants
What scholarships are available? UNSW – international students International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) University International Postgraduate Awards (UIPA) Tuition Fee Remission Scholarship plus a Faculty Research Stipend Tuition Fee Remission Scholarship
What scholarships are available? Discipline-specific e.g.Cancer Institute NSW Australian Kidney Foundation Heart Foundation Beyond Blue Can be a top-up scholarship to NHMRC Can be generous and include $ for research consumables and travel
What scholarships are available? UNSW academics i.e. discipline & project-specific See GRS website
What scholarships are available? UNSW Benefactors and bequests See GRS website
What scholarships are available? Australian charities, NGOs See GRS website
What scholarships are available?
Planning and strategy Stay focused Complete on time –Scholarship stipend can help Find a mentor in addition to your supervisors Ideally apply S1 or S2 of first year Build your profile if you want to continue an academic research career –Publications –Presentations
What is a Fellowship? A position in an academic institution where the salary is funded wholly or partly by the Award Note that most Awards do not cover the equivalent university salary and on-costs, even for the most prestigious (NHMRC, ARC) You need to negotiate to get the best ‘deal’
Why apply for a Fellowship? You want to be an independent academic scientist You recognise that you need more training - you don’t stop learning when you complete your HD! It will open doors for you It gives you –Choice –Independence –Protected time for research (e.g. greatly reduced teaching load)
Who is eligible for a Fellowship? Most for full-time training only Track record indicates outstanding research potential –Undergraduate qualifications –Scholarships, awards –Publications and presentations Quality of project and proposed research department Read the guidelines Must have identified a supervisor/advisor Be strategic if you are eligible for >1
Who is eligible for a Fellowship? Citizen and residency requirements Must have been awarded PhD in a health related field of research, or will submit a thesis for such by 31 st December in the year of application Some time constraints post-PhD, e.g. NHMRC, must apply <2yrs since PhD unless exceptional circumstances exist Some require different research group and institution to that in which your doctoral qualifications were obtained
Who is competitive for a Fellowship? You Outstanding academic record Excellent research track record –First author peer-reviewed publications –Scholarships, awards –Conference presentations Outcomes relative to opportunity Your project Feasible and innovative Potential for translation Track record of department & supervisor
How to apply for a Fellowship? Don’t leave it to the last minute –You need an advisor/supervisor and project/program –Supporting documents –Academic transcripts must be certified or originals –Signatures Speak to Faculty contact at GMO – get support, attend training (e.g. RGMS for NHMRC) Complete the application in full, have it proof- read by proposed supervisor and other senior academic staff Identify 2/3 academic referees familiar with your area of study and your abilities
What Fellowships are available? Check the UNSW GMO (Grants Management Office) website Search elsewhere, ask around
What Fellowships are available? Commonwealth government: NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council “The purpose of NHMRC Training (Postdoctoral) Fellowships is to provide opportunities for Australian researchers to undertake research that is both of major importance in its field and of benefit to Australian health. Training (Postdoctoral) Fellowships provide a vehicle for training in basic research either in Australia or overseas (where appropriate), to enable Fellows to work on research projects with nominated advisers. Awards are offered to a limited number of persons of outstanding ability who wish to make research a significant component of their career.” Four-year Award Highly competitive
What Fellowships are available? Commonwealth government: ARC, Australian Postdoctoral Fellowships Australian Research Council PhD awarded up to 3 years ago Research of national and international significance To broaden the applicants research experience
What Fellowships are available? UNSW Vice-Chancellor’s Post Doctoral Research Fellowships External, national e.g.Cancer Institute NSW National Heart Foundation National Breast Cancer Foundation Pfizer Australia Senior Research Fellowships Sylvia and Charles Viertel Charitable Found n
What Fellowships are available? External, international e.g.National Institutes of Health (NIH) Human Frontier Science Program
Key messages 1. Advance planning - strategy Review and revise career plans regularly Inform yourself 2. Build on your academic record Publications Presentations (local, national, international) Awards (travel, conference) Complete on time 3. Build your profile Be seen, be heard, network Mentors - guidance
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