Transform + analyze Visualize + decide Capture + manage Dat a
Transform + analyze Visualize + decide Capture + manage Dat a
Distributed Storage (HDFS) Query (Hive) Distributed Processing (MapReduce) Scripting (Pig) NoSQL Database (HBase) Metadata (HCatalog) Data Integration ( ODBC / SQOOP/ REST) Relational (SQL Server) Machine Learning (Mahout) Graph (Pegasus) Event Pipeline (Flume) Active Directory (Security) Monitoring & Deployment (System Center) C#, F#,.NET PowerShell Pipeline / workflow (Oozie) Azure Storage Vault (ASV) World's Data (Azure Data Marketplace) Event Driven Processing Legend Red = Core Hadoop Blue = Data processing Purple = Microsoft integration points and value adds Orange = Data Movement Green = Packages
RDBMSHADOOP Data size Access Updates Structure Integrity Scaling
Azure Storage (Blob) File System
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