1 Short presentation title Name Organisation Contact details © EPoSS 2015EPoSS Brokerage Workshop on IoT Large Scale Pilots, London,
2 Overview slide © EPoSS 2015EPoSS Brokerage Workshop on IoT Large Scale Pilots, London, Supply side or demand side IoT Large Scale Pilot (LSP) addressed e.g. … Which part of the LSP is addressed? for supply side: e.g. hardware, software, architecture, infrastructure, please specify for demand side: e.g. farming, food, water, logistics, transport, please specify Description of technology or solution offered / requested Description of the proposed approach and contribution to the LSP Partners already involved (supply side / demand side) Partners needed (supply side / demand side) Estimated budget for LSP Expected duration of the LSP
3 Elevator slides (max. 2) Slides should provide answers to the following questions What is your offer / contribution / request? What is your background / motivation? Why is your contribution necessary? What application fields are addressed? What technologies / products are involved? What are the major objectives of the project you propose? What is the expected impact of the proposed project? What is the implementation plan of the proposed project? What partners / expertise / technology coverage are you looking for? What are the benefits for potential partners? How is the proposed project linked with EPoSS and with other ETPs, industries, Initiatives … © EPoSS 2015EPoSS Brokerage Workshop on IoT Large Scale Pilots, London,