GSC16-OBS-03 ITU-T GSC – 16 Observer Presentation Karen Higginbottom, JTC 1 Chair
GSC16-OBS-03 title – Information Technology scope -- International standardization in the field of Information Technology vision statement – JTC 1 is the standards development environment where experts come together to develop worldwide Information and Communication Technology (ICT) standards for business and consumer applications. Additionally, JTC 1 provides the standards approval environment for integrating diverse and complex ICT technologies. These standards rely upon the core infrastructure technologies developed by JTC 1 centers of expertise complemented by specifications developed in other organizations. system integration is a key role
GSC16-OBS-03 size over 2100 worldwide volunteers representing their countries in the international technical work 2435 published JTC 1 standards short “market windows” – timing is very important complex technical issues where standards from both inside JTC 1 and from consortia must be made to interoperate
GSC16-OBS-03 36 Participating / 55 Observer members (JTC 1) Over 320 liaison relationships Total number of active standards – 2122 New work items this year – 199 Number of active work items this year – 603 9 Publicly Available Specification (PAS) Submitters
GSC16-OBS-03 18 Subcommittees 2 Working Groups Corporate Governance of IT, Sensor Networks 4 Special Working Groups Accessibility, Smart Grid, Directives, Planning 1 Vocabulary Maintenance Team
GSC16-OBS-03 SC 2 Coded Character Sets SC 6 Telecommunications and information exchange between systems SC 7 Software and systems engineering SC 17 Cards and personal identification SC 22 Programming Languages, their environments and system software interfaces SC 23 Digitally recorded media for information interchange and storage SC 24 Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation SC 25 Interconnection of information technology equipment SC 27 IT security techniques SC 28 Office equipment SC 29 Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information SC 31 Automatic identification and data capture techniques SC 32 Data management and interchange SC 34 Document description and processing languages SC 35 User interfaces SC 36 Information technology for learning, education and training SC 37 Biometrics SC 38 Distributed Application Platform and Services
GSC16-OBS-03 Digital Content Management and Protection Energy Efficient of Data Centers Green ICT
GSC16-OBS-03 ITU-T has Category A liaison with JTC 1 Many relationships at the working group level Collaborative Interchange Each organization meets independently Develop technically aligned text Publication within each organization Collaborative Team Participants from both organizations Synchronized approval process (following each organization own process) Joint text publications Common patent policy
GSC16-OBS-03 32 joint or aligned text published since August 2010 14 dealing with Directory Services Includes 18 Corrigenda and 4 Amendments New collaborative work Video coding Object identifier (2) JPEG (4) Relayed multicast protocol Mobile multicast communications Security framework for ubiquitous sensor network Biometry