Problem Day 1 Answers CH343 Bruce A. Hathaway
Problem 1: Carbon NMR Seven types of Carbons: 4 benzene carbons and 3 sp 3 carbons
Problem 1: MS Molecular weight = 154; possible Cl, due to peak at 156 that is one-third the size of the 154 peak.
Problem 1: Proton NMR
Problem 2: Carbon NMR Four types of carbon: all sp 3
Problem 2: MS Odd molecular weight: odd # of N’s No Cl or Br
Problem 2: Proton NMR
Problem 3: Carbon NMR Eight types of carbon: 1 C=O, 4 benzene C’s, and three sp 3 C’s.
Problem 3: MS Even molecular weight: 0 or even # of N’s No Cl or Br
Problem 3: Proton NMR