2 Location Source of wireless signals – Wireless emitter Location of a mobile device – Some devices, e.g., cell phones, are a proxy of a person’s location Used to help derive the context and activity information – Location based services – Privacy problems
3 Location Well studied topic (3,000+ PhD theses??) Application dependent Research areas – Technology – Algorithms and data analysis – Visualization – Evaluation
4 Representing Location Information Absolute – Geographic coordinates (Lat: , Long: ) Relative – 1 block north of the main building Symbolic – High-level description – Home, bedroom, work
5 Some outdoor applications Car Navigation Child tracking Bus view E-911
6 Some indoor applications Elder care
7 No one size fits all! Accurate Low-cost Easy-to-deploy Ubiquitous Application needs determine technology
Lots of technologies! 8 Ultrasonic time of flight E-911 Stereo camera Ad hoc signal strength GPS Physical contact WiFi Beacons Infrared proximity Laser range-finding VHF Omni Ranging Array microphone Floor pressure Ultrasound
Wireless Technologies for Localization NameEffective RangeProsCons GSM35kmLong rangeVery low accuracy LTE30km-100km Wi-Fi50m-100mReadily available; Medium range Low accuracy Ultra Wideband70mHigh accuracyHigh cost Bluetooth10mReadily Available; Medium accuracy Short range Ultrasound6-9mHigh accuracyHigh cost, not scalable RFID & IR1mModerate to high accuracy Short range, Line-Of-Sight (LOS) NFC<4cmHigh accuracyVery short range 9
Localization Techniques Range-based algorithms Range-free algorithms Fingerprinting 10
Range Based Algorithms Rely on the distance (angle) measurement between nodes to estimate the target location Approaches – Proximity – Lateration – Hyperbolic Lateration – Angulation Distance estimates – Time of Flight – Signal Strength Attenuation 11
Approach: Proximity Simplest positioning technique Closeness to a reference point Based on loudness, physical contact, etc 12
Approach: Lateration Measure distance between device and reference points 3 reference points needed for 2D and 4 for 3D 13
Approach: Hyperbolic Lateration Time difference of arrival (TDOA) Signal restricted to a hyperbola 14
Approach: Angulation Angle of the signals Directional antennas are usually needed 15
Distance Estimation Multiple the radio signal velocity and the travel time – Time of arrival (TOA) – Time difference of arrival (TDOA) Compute the attenuation of the emitted signal strength – RSSI Problem: Multipath fading 16
Distance Estimation: TOA Distance – Based on one signal’s travelling time from target to measuring unit – d = v radio * t radio Requirement – Transmitters and receivers should be precisely synchronized – Timestamp must be labeled in the transmitting signal 17
Distance Estimation: TDOA Distance – Based on time signals’ travelling time from target to measuring unit – d = v radio * v sound * (t radio - t sound ) / (v radio – v sound )) Requirement – Transmitters and receivers should be precisely synchronized – Timestamp must be labeled in the transmitting signal – Line-Of-Sight (LOS) channel 18
Distance Estimation: RSSI Distance – Based on radio propagation model – Requirement – Path loss exponent η for a given environment is known 19
Range Free Algorithms Rely on target object’s proximity to anchor beacons with known positions – Neighborhood: single/multiple closest BS – Hop-count: anchor broadcast beacons containing its location and hop-count – Area estimation: 20
Fingerprinting Mapping solution Address problems with multipath Better than modeling complex RF propagation pattern 21
Fingerprinting: Steps Step1 – Use war-driving to build up location fingerprints (i.e. location coordinates + respective RSSI from nearby base stations) Step2 – Match online measurements with the closest a priori location fingerprints 22
Fingerprinting: Example SSID (Name)BSSID (MAC address)Signal Strength (RSSI) linksys00:0F:66:2A:61:0018 starbucks00:0F:C8:00:15:1315 newark wifi00:06:25:98:7A:0C23
Fingerprinting: Features Easier than modeling Requires a dense site survey Usually better for symbolic localization Spatial differentiability Temporal stability 24
Summary of Localization Techniques Measurement Scheme AccuracySpecial Requirement Range-basedTOAModerateSynchronization, dense beacons TDOAHighSynchronization, LOS, dense beacons AOAHighDirectional antenna RSSIModerateNo Range-freeNeighborhoodLowNo Area estimationModerateDense Beacons Hop countModerateDense Beacons FingerprintingRSSIHighNo 25
Localization Systems Distinguished by their underlying signaling system – IR, RF, Ultrasonic, Vision, Audio, etc [13] 26
GPS Use 24 satellites TDOA Hyperbolic lateration Civilian GPS – L1 (1575 MHZ) 10 meter acc. 27
Active Bat Ultrasonic Time of flight of ultrasonic pings 3cm resolution 28
Cricket Similar to Active Bat Decentralized compared to Active Bat 29
Cricket vs Active Bat Privacy preserving Scaling Client costs Active Bat Cricket 30
31 RADAR WiFi-based localization Reduce need for new infrastructure Fingerprinting 31
32 Place Lab “Beacons in the wild” – WiFi, Bluetooth, GSM, etc Community authored databases API for a variety of platforms RightSPOT (MSR) – FM towers
33 Computer Vision Leverage existing infrastructure Requires significant communication and computational resources CCTV
Performance Metrics Accuracy – Mean distance error (RMSE) Precision – Variation in accuracy over many trials (CDF of RMSE) Robustness – Performance when signals are incomplete Cost – Hardware, energy 34
Performance Evaluation System/ Solution Wireless Technologies AccuracyPrecisionRobustnessCost Active Badge [1] IR3cm90%PoorLow Cricket[2]Ultrasound5cm90%PoorMedium BeepBeep [3]Sound4cm95%PoorHigh Virtual Compass [4] Bluetooth+ WiFi RSSI 3.19m90%GoodMedium APIT [5]WiFi RSSI0.4 * radio range MediumLow DV-Hop [6]WiFi RSSI3.5m90%MediumLow 35
Performance Evaluation System/ Solution Wireless Technologies AccuracyPrecisionRobustnessCost Centroid [7]WiFi RSSI3.5m90%GoodLow Amorphous [8]WiFi RSSI0.2* radio range MediumLow RADAR [9]WiFi RSSI5.9m95%GoodLow Horus [10]Bluetooth+ WiFi RSSI 2.1m90%GoodLow SurroudSense [11] WiFi RSSI90%N/AGoodHigh Ekahau [12]WiFi RSSI2m50%GoodLow 36
E-V Loc: Goal Find a specific person’s accurate location based on his electronic identifier and visual image - Publication: Boying Zhang, Jin Teng, Junda Zhu, Xinfeng Li, Dong Xuan, and Yuan F. Zheng, EV-Loc: Integrating Electronic and Visual Signals for Accurate Localization, to appear in ACM MobiHoc’12. 37
E-V Loc: Problem Formulation Input: a target object’s electronic identifier EID*, a set (in a short time span) of E Frames with clear EIDs and the corresponding V Frames with possibly vague VIDs Output: the target object’s accurate position together with its visual appearance VID* 38
E-V Loc: Work Flow 39 Need more signal samples?
E-V Loc: Nature of Our Solution E-V matching – Uses electronic and visual signals as target object’s location descriptors in E frames and V frames – Matches the corresponding E and V location descriptors using Hungarian algorithm 40
41 E-V Loc: Localizing with Distinct VIDs Best match problem between EIDs and VDs EIDs VIDs
42 E-V Loc: Incremental Hungarian algorithm Find the best match between the EIDs and VIDs in each pair of E and V frame Iteratively perform the matching until a threshold is satisfied The threshold is derived based on the variance model of EIDs and VIDs
43 E-V Loc: Localizing with Indistinct VIDs Multi-dimensional best match problem Between EIDs and VIDs Among VIDs
44 E-V Loc: Two-dimensional Hungarian Algorithm Finding correspondence between different VIDs in neighboring frames Based on the correspondence, generating a consistent set of VIDs in all frames Using incremental Hungarian algorithm to perform the match
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References Shwetak N. Patel, Location in Pervasive Computing, University of Washington.