PLANNING FOR A SAFER TOMORROW THROUGH COLLABORATION, RESEARCH, AND STRATEGIC FUNDING Indiana Criminal Justice Institute Prepared for the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council Winter Conference. December 7, 2014 Mary Allen, Executive Director
Purpose State planning agency for criminal justice, juvenile justice, traffic safety and victim services Designated as State Administering Agency for distribution of federal funds and as State Statistical Analysis Center for research Coordinate and collaborate with local, state and federal entities to identify, assess, plan, resource and evaluate new and emerging issues facing the criminal justice and public safety spectrum
Statutory Duties Evaluate state and local programs associated with: prevention, detection & solution of crimes; law enforcement and criminal/juvenile justice Improve and coordinate all aspects of law enforcement and criminal/juvenile justice Develop new methods for the prevention & reduction of crime Stimulate research & compile and analyze information/data for dissemination to decision makers
Operations Executive Team 7 Divisions operate and administer various federal and state funded programs: Drug & Crime Substance Abuse Youth Victim Services Victim Compensation Traffic Safety Research
Services ICJI has a variety of resources, services, and expertise available: Data collection, analysis, and research services Program development and evaluation Technical assistance services for funding opportunities or capacity building needs Assistance with collaboration development with partners at the local, state or federal level A rich resource for identification of service providers throughout the state Knowledge base of information from around the country We are always available to you and your office
ICJI in 2015 and Beyond Focus on multidisciplinary collaboration Focus on local needs first Increase funding from a data-driven, needs based approach Leveraging partnerships for maximum use and impact of funds Increased communications and attention to local needs and problems How can we help?
Impact There are a number of projects local and statewide that have had an impact either directly or indirectly to the work prosecutors, and others in the field, do every day. Through ICJI funding, strategic planning, collaboration initiatives and project management. A few are: CAD RMS; P-25; Forensic laboratory upgrades, overtime, etc Fusion Center Gang Intelligence Network Criminal History and criminal justice records improvements Ecws Traffic Safety & Crash Records standardizations & automations
Impact Going Forward Greater focus on demonstrating the statistical impact of funding Focus on local, short term-high impact projects Cost benefit analysis - the actual cost to solve the problem Looking at the county, or region, and applying a strategic funding model How can we help you and your county solve a need or problem in 12 months?
Strategic Funding Model Data What do we know about the problem Plan Who can help solve and How? Prioritize Funding What funds/resource apply? Programs/Services What are the efforts? Evaluate/Measure How well did we do?
2014 Impact Summary Victim Services distributed more than $14 million dollars through 7 grant programs: Victim of Crime Act (VOCA), Family Violence Prevention & Services Act (FVPSA), Domestic Violence Prevention & Treatment (DVPT), Social Services Block Grant (SSBG), Sexual Offense Services (SOS), Services-Training-Officers- Prosecutors (STOP), and Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP) Through VOCA, 48 Prosecutors Offices received funding 74% (68 counties) received direct grant awards for victim services *These numbers excludes funding awards for statewide organizations/coalitions and are only specific to counties
Victim Impact Funding for victim services applies to direct services, shelters, sexual assault nurses and sexual assault services, child advocates, prosecutors, police/sheriff departments, and legal advocacy ICJI Victimization research study won a national award (with your data) – going forward – how can we help you, utilize funding and resources to reduce the victimization in your county?
2014 Victim Services Funding by County Under $20,000 Gray7% $20,000 - $39,000 Yellow20% $40,000 - $69,000 Orange16% $70,000 - $99,000 Green7% $100,000 - $299,000 Red25% $300,000 - $599,000 Blue16% $600,000 - $799,000 Purple5%
Drug & Crime Impact Drug & Crime division distributed a little under $2 million to Indiana Counties through the JAG and RSAT programs. In 2014, the following types of programs were funded: Courts (9) Forensic Science (1) Law Enforcement (8) Prosecution (3) Re-Entry programs (3) Substance Abuse programs (2) Technology projects (1) Training programs (3)
Traffic Safety Impact Traffic Safety division, through administration primarily of two programs – DUI and Occupant Protection – provided more than $5.3 million to police and sheriffs departments in 64 counties.
Youth Impact Through the SRO and Safe Haven programs, the Youth Division provided close to $1 million dollars to schools in 29 counties.
Funding Available for Prosecutors Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Covers Criminal Justice System broadly Evaluation of programs Information sharing and technology solutions/enhancements Equipment needs Training needs
Victims of Crime Grant (VOCA) UNDERSERVED AREAS ICJI and OVC have defined the following victim types as being “underserved populations”: DUI Crashes Survivors of Homicide Victims Assault Adults Molested as Children Adult/Elder Abuse Robbery Internet Crimes Against Children
Final Thoughts How may we help you? How can we help your mission and your community? What can we help you evaluate, or coordinate, that could improve an issue in your county? How may I provide you more information? What would you like to see from ICJI? Thank you for the tireless work you do each and every day. We look forward to working with you this coming year.
ICJI Mary Allen, Executive Director