Linear SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU1 Signals and Systems Linear System Theory EE Lecture Eight Signal classification
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU2 Signal A signal is a pattern of variation that carry information. Signals are represented mathematically as a function of one or more independent variable A picture is brightness as a function of two spatial variables, x and y. In this course signals involving a single independent variable, generally refer to as a time, t are considered. Although it may not represent time in specific application A signal is a real-valued or scalar-valued function of an independent variable t.
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU3 Example of signals Electrical signals like voltages, current and EM field in circuit Acoustic signals like audio or speech signals (analog or digital) Video signals like intensity variation in an image Biological signal like sequence of bases in gene Noise which will be treated as unwanted signal …
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU4 Signal classification Continuous-time and Discrete-time Energy and Power Real and Complex Periodic and Non-periodic Analog and Digital Even and Odd Deterministic and Random
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU5 A continuous-time signal Continuous-time signal x(t), the independent variable, t is Continuous-time. The signal itself needs not to be continuous.
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU6 A continuous-time signal x=0:0.05:5; y=sin(x.^2); plot(x,y);
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU7 A piecewise continuous-time signal A piecewise continuous-time signal
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU8 A discrete-time signal A discrete signal is defined only at discrete instances. Thus, the independent variable has discrete values only.
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU9 Mathlab file x = 0:0.1:4; y = sin(x.^2).*exp(-x); stem(x,y)
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU10 Sampling A discrete signal can be derived from a continuous-time signal by sampling it at a uniform rate. If denotes the sampling period and denotes an integer that may assume positive and negative values, Sampling a continuous-time signal x(t) at time yields a sample of value For convenience, a discrete-time signal is represented by a sequence of numbers: We write Such a sequence of numbers is referred to as a time series.
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU11 A piecewise discrete-time signal A piecewise discrete-time signal
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU12 Energy and Power Signals X(t) is a continuous power signal if: X[n] is a discrete power signal if: X(t) is a continuous energy signal if: X[n] is a discrete energy signal if:
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU13 Power and Energy in a Physical System The instantaneous power The total energy The average power
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU14 Power and Energy By definition, the total energy over the time interval in a continuous-time signal is: denote the magnitude of the (possibly complex) number The time average power By definition, the total energy over the time interval in a discrete-time signal is: The time average power
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU15 Power and Energy Example 1: The signal is given below is energy or power signal. Explain. This signal is energy signal
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU16 Power and Energy Example 2: The signal is given below is energy or power signal. Explain. This signal is energy signal
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU17 Real and Complex A value of a complex signal is a complex number The complex conjugate, of the signal is; Magnitude or absolute value Phase or angle
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU18 Periodic and Non-periodic A signal or is a periodic signal if Here, and are fundamental period, which is the smallest positive values when Example:
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU19 Analog and Digital Digital signal is discrete-time signal whose values belong to a defined set of real numbers Binary signal is digital signal whose values are 1 or 0 Analog signal is a non-digital signal
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU20 Even and Odd Even Signals The continuous-time signal /discrete-time signal is an even signal if it satisfies the condition Even signals are symmetric about the vertical axis Odd Signals The signal is said to be an odd signal if it satisfies the condition Odd signals are anti-symmetric (asymmetric) about the time origin
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU21 Even and Odd signals:Facts Product of 2 even or 2 odd signals is an even signal Product of an even and an odd signal is an odd signal Any signal (continuous and discrete) can be expressed as sum of an even and an odd signal:
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU22 Complex-Valued Signal Symmetry For a complex-valued signal is said to be conjugate symmetric if it satisfies the condition where is the real part and is the imaginary part; is the square root of -1
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU23 Deterministic and Random signal A signal is deterministic whose future values can be predicted accurately. Example: A signal is random whose future values can NOT be predicted with complete accuracy Random signals whose future values can be statistically determined based on the past values are correlated signals. Random signals whose future values can NOT be statistically determined from past values are uncorrelated signals and are more random than correlated signals.
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU24 Deterministic and Random signal(contd…) Two ways to describe the randomness of the signal are: Entropy: This is the natural meaning and mostly used in system performance measurement. Correlation: This is useful in signal processing by directly using correlation functions.
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU25 Taylor series and Euler relation General Taylor series Expanding sin and cos Expanding exponential Euler relation
Signals and SystemsKhosrow Ghadiri - EE Dept. SJSU26 Example The signal and shown below constitute the real and imaginary parts of a complex-valued signal. What form of symmetry does have? Answer is conjugate symmetric.