Presentation Final Project name: Synchronization for Quantum Encryption System Project supervisor : Yossi Hipsh. Project performed by : Omer Mor, Oded Belfer. Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Project Goal The Synchronization system is an integral part of a quantum encryption system. The system will allow transferring messages in a safe way that a third unauthorized person would not be able to decipher. The Synchronization system is needed to control the detector so it would be able to identify a single photon in an optic cable at a given time. Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
System requirements Locate and place a single photon with 0.5nSec accuracy resolution, in a 3nSec window. The system should be a “stand alone” system and not depended on other components of the encryption system. For that we will need to simulate the other systems. The system should be capable to work with very fast pulses. The system will receive an Optic Sync signal and transfer it to a delayed electric signal, according to the photon arrival. Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
General Block scheme Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Synchronization system – General Block scheme 5V Surface 3.3V Surface Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
General Block scheme – 5V Surface Optic Detector Board Pulse stretcher Splitter TTL D.D.L TTL Ref – Test point ComputerD.D.L TTL FPGA Splitter TTL Ref – T.P To 3.3V SyncPhoton τ ≤ 0.5μSecPulse width 35nSec Optic sync From transmitter 5V Surface Synchronization board. NB3L553 3D7408_1 TTL To ECL MC100ELT20 Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
General Block scheme – 3.3V Surface Mono Stable Splitter ECL D.D.L ECL Balanced to Unbalanced Splitter ECL Ref – Test point To Receiver 30pSec ≤ τ ≤ 10nSec Pulse width 3nSec From 5V Surface 3.3V Surface Synchronization board. Splitter ECL Balanced to Unbalanced Ref – Test point MC100EP11 MC100EP195 MC100EP11 MC100EP195 PECL To LVPECL MC100LVEL92 Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Special components – Optic Detector Board Regulator 9V Input Optic Detector Transformator Optic Sync. Input From transmitter Pulse stretcher Balanced Unbalanced 3.3V Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Special components – Stretcher Splitter TTL 1:4 From Optic Detector D.D.L ECL Flip Flop CLK _Q_Q Q S D R '1' '0' TTL To ECL ECL To TTL TTL To ECL MC100EP31MC100ELT20 MC100ELT21NB3L553 3D7408_1 Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Special components – Mono Stable Splitter ECL 1:2 D.D.L ECL From TTL To ECL D.D.L ECL Flip Flop CLK _Q_Q Q S D R '1' '0' MC100EP11 MC100EP195 MC100EP31 Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Special components – Bal-UN Special components – Bal-UN Balanced to Unbalanced OUT 68Ω 140Ω IN + - VTT 100nF Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Special components – FPGA Input Output FPGA Sync END Computer Sync START D.D.L ECL D.D.L TTL “Photon” – from splitter #1 “Sync” – from splitter #2 ADD1 Enable ADD2 Enable STR1 Valid photon 1 STR2 Valid photon 2 * ’Valid photon’ will be used only if STR is not available. X4 10 Bit Bus LEN Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Optic Detector Board The optic detector board will receive optic signal and translate it to a balanced electric pulse. The board will supply the working needs for the Optic detector. Input : Optic signal (Laser). Output : Balanced electric pulse.
Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization Aspects in choosing components Technological compatibility - (TTL/ECL, input and output voltage) – most of the components we chose works in TTL technology because we needed width pulse for the computer and to the long delay device. System compatibility - (with the transmitter, receiver and computer) – the transmitter output is an optic pulse so we needed to add an optic detector. The receiver input is in ECL technology so we need to convert the output technology to ECL and to low voltage. Short Trise and Tfall – because we deal with a short an accurate pulses. Available for purchase.
Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization System Inputs Optic Sync pulse from the transmitter – we will simulate this pulse with a laser to test our system before integration with the transmitter. STR1 & STR2 pulses from the receiver – feedback to check the photon arrival. We simulated this pulse as Valid Photon 1&2 in the FPGA to test our system before integration with the receiver. SYNC_START from the PC – starting the calibration sequence. We also assigned a switch on the board to simulate SYNC_START command. FPGA Control
Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization System Outputs Delayed electric Sync to the receiver – the pulse will be delayed according to the photon arrival, we will be able to test this pulse with a scope in the reference test points. D.D.L control from FPGA – controlling the D.D.L delay – a binary word that will translated to delay in the D.D.L. MIX_Enable from FPGA – MIX Enable=‘1’ while calibrating the system, MIX Enable=‘0’after calibration is over - reactivate the MIX in receiver. Sync_end form FPGA – Informing the computer that the calibration is over.
Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization Hardware specification & Needs The Pulse input for the board should be at least 2V high, because the optic detector board output levels are low we need an Amplifier between the him and the board input. The chosen amplifier needs a 24V transformer. The optic detector board needs 9V transformer. 50 PIN flat cable for connecting the FPGA to our board Scope for checking the system performance.
Power Supply's specification The board needs 5V power supply. The 5V input is inserted into 3 Voltage regulators that will create the needed voltages for the 3 others voltage surfaces. Every regulator has a variable resistor connected to him, so we will have a tolerance to the voltages we can supply to the rest of the board. Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Power Supply's Distribution Voltage Regulator 5V Input 3.3V Voltage Regulator 3V Voltage Regulator 1.3V 5V PTH04000W 5V Surface VIA 3.3V Surface VIA 3V Surface VIA 1.3V Surface VIA Variable Resistor 500 Ω Variable Resistor 2K Ω Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design The board has 4 layers of power/GND, 3 different layers in each part of the board, a surface for the FPGA control lines, and on top the transmission lines. The two parts of the board are separated completely from one to another. the two GND surfaces is connected to one another in the power input connector of the board, that way we will decrease the GND noise. The data pulse is being converted to 3.3V levels before entering the 3.3V side surface. The FPGA I/O lines are 3.3V LVTTL and can control all the component in our board (including the ones that work with 5V). Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The board has a total of 7 layers, two of them are divided to two parts for different voltage levels so we have a total of 9 different surfaces. Each part contains the same layers but connects to the right layers with via holes.. The two parts of the board are suppurated completely from one to another. The surfaces are: –5V VCC surface –3V VTT surface –5V GND surface –3.3V VCC surface –1.3V VTT surface –3.3V GND surface –Transmission Lines on top surface –Control lines 1 –Control lines 2 Board surfaces Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Board surfaces From HyperLynx Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Board surfaces Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design - consideration Every Component Voltage input is protected and filtered with two capacitors to stable the input voltage and protecting it. Technological matching was made so every component will connect correctly to the one before him and the one after him, in special cases a pull-up resistor or a voltage level converter was inserted. Power and currents levels was calculated according to the components specifications. –The total power that was calculate id: 5.54W –The total current needed from the power supply is: 1.5A (min) Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design – High Speed consideration In order to eliminate the high frequency noise we used transmission lines on all the hi speed components. The transmission lines width were determined to be 200 μ m because of 2 reasons: 1.The line will be about 50Ω Z0 impedance, and the connectivity to the components will be possible. 2.The line should be small enough to be able to connect to the components legs. The dielectric surface around the transmission line were chosen to be 115 μ m also to make sure the Z0 is about 50Ω (received the results from the HyperLynx) Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design – High Speed consideration All the transmission lines needed to be shorter the a quarter of a wave length (L<λ/4). It was decided that the Tr of the board will be 0.5nSec at the worst case. All of the chosen ECL fast components fulfilling this decision and even much faster. Tr = 0.5nSec, BW = 1/(Tr*π) => BW = 640MHz λ=T*C = 1.57*10^-9 * 3*10^10 ~ 47cm To insure that L<< λ we designed the board to have transmission line the size if L = λ /10 = 4.7cm Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design – High Speed consideration In order to make our board smaller than 4.7cm we inserted all the hi speed components and the transmission lines ware inserted to a 32 mm X 22mm )approximately) “Metal Cage”. The Cage was created by inserting VIA’s to the ground around the wanted area, we inserted a via hole every 3.8mm so the distance between 2 holes will be far smaller then λ. Inside every cage the wave length requirement is met. Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization ECL ZOOM – Transmission lines ~ 3.8mm
The Board Design – High Speed Hyperlink Simulation In order to see the Transmission lines behavior in our high speed system we simulated the high speed part of the board. We simulated each transmission line separately and seen the change from the input of the line to the output of the line. The result show that because we selected our high speed part to be smaller than the wave length and all our transmission lines are short, we don’t have a significant change in our pulse and we can assume the there is no loss or change in our data. Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design – High Speed Hyperlink Simulation Transmission line simulation example Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design – High Speed Hyperlink Simulation Transmission line simulation example Vin * Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design – High Speed Hyperlink Simulation Transmission line simulation example * Oscillator simulation 640MHz PS Input to transmission line Output from transmission line Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
The Board Design – High Speed Hyperlink Simulation Transmission line simulation example * Edge simulation Input to transmission line Output from transmission line Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Synchronizer Board BOM Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Synchronizer Board BOM Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Logic design of the FPGA software Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
Placing the photon in the first 10pSec of the window We can set N - the number of iteration according to probability statistics for increasing the correctness of the system.
Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization VHDL Implementation
Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
VHDL Implementation - INIT Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
VHDL Implementation – Long Delay Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
VHDL Implementation – Short Delay CH1 Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
VHDL Implementation – Short Delay CH2 Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization
VHDL design verification – Init block Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization Initializing all DDL to minimum delay (at nSec). Initializing the DDL stretcher to 35nSec (at nSec). Initializing the DDL mono to 3nSec (at nSec).
VHDL design verification – Long delay Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization The long delay block finishes his process when the photon is inside the window (5 times in a row) the window is 3nSec and the next figure shows the long delay finish state.
VHDL design verification – Short delay channel 1 Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization The short delay channel 1 start his process after the long delay finished working => the photon is inside the window. As shown in the next figure the process finishes his work when the wanted_delay1 is equal to the total_delay1 => the photon is in the beginning of the window.
VHDL design verification – Short delay channel 2 Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization The short delay channel 2 start his process after the short delay channel 1 finished working => the photon in channel 1 is inside the beginning of the window. As shown in the next figure the process finishes his work when the wanted_delay2 is equal to the total_delay2 => the photon is in the beginning of the window. The system can sync the 2 channels to a different delay so each of them will arrive at the beginning of the window. At the end of this process the system send a signal to the computer (sync_end) indicates the end of the synchronization and Enables the ADD function in the receiver.
VHDL design verification – Error reporting Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization When the system cannot insert the photon inside the window or there is a problem in the sync – all the red LEDs on the FPGA board will light and the process will stop with an error signal.
Added value Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization The project gave us a glimpse of how a big project in the industry might take place. We had to take under consideration all the time that we are part of a big project and have to make our system compatible with the other system. The project gave us experience in board design, taught us some of the designing aspects we need in order to make a good board. Also gave us some experience working with design and simulation tools such as Orcad and HyperLynx The project gave us experience in FPGA design and digital way of designing a system that needs to control other system digitally (with the FPGA board)
Improving point & future continuing options Quantum Encryption System -Synchronization The project was mostly theoretical,by experimenting the components in an early stage we could have seen their actual behavior and be sure of our design, in order to make these experiments possible, a generic board needs to be designed and manufactured. The board will supply the components working needs and samples has to be ordered in an early stage. Part of the project was to design the layer properties of the board, and to give instructions to the editor. A meeting with an editor and consulting him would make our instructions better, and more focused. For continuing the project a board needs to be manufactured and the VHDL design needs to be tested on the real system, in order to make sure that the design fully functions.