SOVIET PROPAGANDA A presentation by Dan Papperman.


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Presentation transcript:

SOVIET PROPAGANDA A presentation by Dan Papperman

Presenters note: The following translations may not be 100% accurate, however, they should convey the right idea of the text. My sincerest thanks to the people at

Socialist/Communist Propaganda “Under Lenin’s banner, under Stalin’s leadership, forward to the victory of communism!” “From the Russian NEP will be socialist Russia” -Lenin

“The road of talent”“The road to talent!” “In capitalist countries”“In the socialist country” “Freedom is the American way” Anti-Capitalist Propaganda

“Lenin lived, Lenin is living, Lenin will live!” Lenin

Stalin “Let us conquer drought!” “Captain Stalin steers us from victory to victory!” “Great Stalin – Banner of the friendship of the people of the USSR!”

National Moral “More glad to live every day!” “People’s dreams happen!”

“Bread to the nation!” “Milkmaid, let us attain lots of milk from each cow!” ECONOMY

Social Movements “Work, then the rifle” “Alcohol is the enemy of production” “We Require the Peace!”

War Production “Everything for the front!” “Let us give the Army more: Tanks, Aircraft, Instruments, Machine Guns, Rifles, Artillery, Cartridges!” “Each strike of the hammer has an impact”

War Propaganda “How have you helped the front?” “The enemy is insidious - be on the alert!” “The Red Army” “Loyal Guard of the achievements of October” “Let us protect Lenin’s city”

The Holocaust “Help” “The soldiers will free the glory”

Roles of Women “We serve the people!”“Let us replace!”

Communism Today