1 Lecture 12 The cooperative relaxation of water at the pore surface of silica glasses
2 Complex systems? Complex systems involve the appearance of a new ("mesoscopic") length scale, intermediate between molecular and macroscopic. Complex liquids (microemulsions, emulsions, organic particulate systems ) Glass forming liquids and polymers. Porous materials (sol-gel glasses, porous glasses, porous silicon, etc.) Biological systems ( protein solutions, membranes and cell suspensions)
3 Initial sodium borosilicate glass of the following composition (% by weight): 62.6% SiO 2, 30.4% B 2 O 3, 7%Na 2 O heat treatment at C for 100h heat treatment at C for 165h immersion in deionised water 0.5N HCL drying at C rinsing in deionized water additional treatment in 0.5N KOH drying at C rinsing in deionized water Porous borosilicate glass samples
4 additional treatment in 0.5M KOH drying rinsing in deionized water drying bithermal heat treatment treatment at C and at C thermal treatment at C immersion in deionised water 3M HCL rinsing in deionized water Commercial alkali borosilicate glass DV1 of the following composition (mol.%): 7% Na 2 O, 23% B 2 O 3, 70% SiO 2
5 Structure parameters and water content
Sample C Sample C Sample C after heating Sample C after heating Dielectric response of the porous glass materials
8 Low frequency behaviour ~20 Hz High frequency behaviour ~ 100 kHz C C
9 1 2 * ( ) = B * n-1, >> 1 * ( ) = -i 0 / 0 1) Jonscher Conductivity * ( ) = / [1 + ( i ) ] + 2) Havriliak-Negami The fitting model
10 A - 50 kJ/mol B - 42 kJ/mol C - 67 kJ/mol D - 19 kJ/mol Ice - 60 kJ/mol I - 64 kJ/mol II - 36 kJ/mol III - 61 kJ/mol Ice - 60 kJ/mol 1 st Process
11 Samples Humidity h, % II 0.63 A 1.2 B 1.4 D 1.6 C 3.2 III 3.39 I 3.6 Dependence of the Cole-Cole parameter from ln( )
12 Temperature dependence of the dielectric strength
13 Parallel and anti-parallel orientation B(T) anti-parallel Temperature Orientation of the relaxing dipole units parallel non- correlated system
14 2 Second Process
15 L -defect V * is the defect effective volume V f is the mean free volume for one defect N is the number of defects in the volume of system V, where Si O Si O O Si Orientation Defect Orientation DefectD-defect
16 H a is the activation energy of the reorientation H d is the activation energy of the defect formation o is the reorientation (libration) time of the restricted water molecule in the hydrated cluster is the maximum possible defect concentration The fitting results for the second process
17 ( t / ) ~ e t / , D f = 3, where D f is a fractal dimension Percolation: Percolation: Transfer of electric excitation through the developed system of open pores Dielectric relaxation in percolation
18 The Fractal Dimension of Percolation Pass
19 w w : size distribution function , , A , , A: empirical parameters : porosity of two phase solid-pore system V p : volume of the whole empty space V : whole volume of the sample , , : upper and lower limits of self- similarity D D : regular fractal dimension of the system = / : scale parameter [ ,1] Porous medium in terms of regular and random fractals
20 Porosity Determination (A.Puzenko,et al., Phys. Rev. (B), 60, 14348, 1999)