©The Work Foundation Karen Steadman Senior Researcher Centre for Workforce Effectiveness The Work Foundation, Lancaster University Retention and Return.


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Presentation transcript:

©The Work Foundation Karen Steadman Senior Researcher Centre for Workforce Effectiveness The Work Foundation, Lancaster University Retention and Return to Work The Role of Employers Centre Forum: Mental Health in the Workplace 11 th March 2015

©The Work Foundation How to manage sickness absence Preparing for return to work Making reasonable adjustments Sources of support (Government programs) Fit Note Mental Health Support Service Fit for work programme. Agenda

©The Work Foundation Mental health and sickness absence Millions of days sickness absence are attributed to mental illness every year Anxiety and depression are the most common Mental illness is one of the main causes of both short and long term sickness absence Mental illness related absence is a considerable cost for employers – estimated £8 billion/year & costs of sickness presence may be even greater

How to manage sickness absence Mental health friendly absence policy? Sick pay, absence management processes – can be a cause of presenteeism, stress & longer absence Keeping in touch during absence  retaining a connection with the workplace Can be done very well, and very badly Workplace culture & relationships with line manager often crucial Assess readiness to return- don’t have to be 100% well ©The Work Foundation

Return to Work Process A RTW interview can be very effective in reducing absence… If you get it right! Need to understand the context, e.g. Absence history? Do they have a long term condition? What format is appropriate? Short and informal (hey, how are you?) or more intensive (structured interview) Organisational culture & relationships are again important – perceived as supportive? or punitive? ©The Work Foundation

Return to Work Process RTW plan developed between employer & employee Should be empower the individual – influence RTW and boosting well-being and confidence Not a one off activity – needs to be a flexible, ongoing process, timeframes & dates for review Two elements: 1.Build a rounded picture of the causes of absence 2.Identify changes that might be made to support employee and prevent further absence ©The Work Foundation

Understanding the reasons for absence 1. Build a rounded picture of the causes of the absence Clinical diagnosis –Learn about the condition, consider specialist advice Work-related factors –Workload? Relationships? Am I part of the problem? Non-work factors –Work & non-work stress together is often particularly problematic ©The Work Foundation

Making reasonable adjustments 2.Identify changes to support the employee & prevent further absence (reasonable adjustments) Common for RTW, but underused in mental health Changes to hours; tasks & support; environment; Very individual – need to find the best approaches for (and with) the individual, for their job & their specific concerns Often temporary, inexpensive – what they do require is creativity, the right attitude, communication, and commitment ©The Work Foundation

Government interventions Statement of fitness for work, aka the Fit Note GP advice on what someone might need to help them return to work Access to Work, Mental Health Support Service (Remploy) Vocational rehabilitation support for people with mental health conditions who self-refer, 90%+ success rate Fit For Work Vocational rehabilitation assessment and signposting to support focussed on those with longer term (4 weeks) absence – RTW Plan, signposting ©The Work Foundation

Making it work Successful & sustained RTW needs empathy, support & effort on the part of all the stakeholders Be led by the employee – they know most about ‘triggers’ and what will work for them –how their health effects their work, & how their work effects their health! Get professional support and advice where possible Review the RTW process regularly and don’t be afraid to change things About culture & attitude as much as policy - an open door and an open mind ©The Work Foundation

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