EDFS 326 FALL 2003 September 22, 2003
Agenda September 22, 2003 Class Activities A: PowerPoint Introduction to PowerPoint (for some of you) or putting the storyboard information (i.e Introduction to my Unit into a PowerPoint presentation) Choosing slides Adding a design template changing background of presentation customizing animation adding graphics Stage 2 of Backward Design: What will be acceptable evidence? (Module ) B: Copyright Issues—Module 2 Taking copyright quiz Viewing the copyright presentation in the Intel CD Using search Engines (how) Locating Internet resources Saving sounds, video clips and pictures from the website
3 Stages of Backward Design Identify Desired Results. Determine Acceptable Evidence. Plan Learning Experiences And instruction
What is PowerPoint? Presentation Software/application Multimedia (meaning that you can integrate other forms of media— graphics, text, sound, music) into PowerPoint A PowerPoint presentation is made up of a series of slides. The slides can also be presented as overhead transparencies or 35mm slides. You can print audience handouts, outlines, and speaker's notes. You can format all the slides in a presentation using the powerful Slide Master.. You can keep your entire presentation in a single file- all your slides, speaker's notes, and audience handouts. You can import what you have created in other Microsoft products, such as Word and Excel into any of your slides.
PowerPoint Overview d002.htm
To Learn More About PowerPoint Visit the following sites 1/powerpoint/power.htmlhttp://homepage.cs.uri.edu/tutorials/csc10 1/powerpoint/power.html