Strategic Planning is a process by which an organization or a business can plan its activities or work product in such a way as to make efficient use of personnel and capital while projecting desired future outcomes.
NTR STRATEGIC PLANNING VISION The vision statement is the statement of what it is we want to be as the future unfolds. An expression of a future condition or status.
NTR STRATEGIC PLANNING MISSION The mission statement is a is a statement of what business we chose to engage.
NTR STRAEGIC PLAN CORE PRINCIPLES Who are we? What do we stand for? What are our foundation beliefs?
NTR ASSESSMENT INTERNAL ANALYSIS What resources are available to us? EXTERNAL SCAN What external factors will shape our future?
NTR SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
NTR TEAMS 1. Vision Statement 2. Mission Statement 3. Core Principles 4. SWOT Analysis
NTR THE REST OF THE PLAN Goal Setting Objective Setting Action Plans Establish Expected Outcomes Establish Success Measures Periodic Review and Adjustments
RESOURCES 1. Current and past officers and directors 2. The old guard 3. Community leaders and specialists in education 4. District 5450 website 5. RI website 6. com/