Cumulative Final Exam Review Jeopardy Waterworks Operations III WQT 134 Waterworks Operations III WQT 134
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Source H 2 OPretreatmentCoagulationIntake/Screens FINAL JEOPARDY
Source Water $100 Plant whose intake screen is situated in the “sweet spot” of the Willamette river
Source Water $200 Plant that uses GAC to treat organics from its source water
Source Water $ flooding of this river destroyed a pump station
Source Water $400 Two plants that remove water from the Molalla river
Source Water $500 Three plants we visited that use the Clackamas river for source water
Source water $100-Answer What is the Willamette Water Treatment Plant?
Source water $200-Answer What is the Willamette Water Treatment Plant?
Source water $300-Answer What is the Molalla River?
Source water $400-Answer What is the Molalla Water Treatment Plant and the Canby Water Treatment Plant?
Source water $500-Answer What is the Clackamas, North Clackamas, and Lake Oswego Water Treatment Plants?
Intake/Screens $100 Purpose of using screens?
Intake/Screens $200 Type of screen that has straight steel bars welded at both ends at o angles
Intake/Screens $300 Type of screen shown here
Intake/Screens $400 Type of instrument shown here
Intake/Screens $500 Type of screen shown here
Intake/Screens $100-Answer What is used to remove debris and prevent clogging of the intake.
Intake/Screens $200-Answer What is a bar screen?
Intake/Screens $300-Answer What is a bar screen?
Intake/Screens $400-Answer What is traveling wire screen?
Intake/Screens $500-Answer What is a fine-wire mesh screen?
Pretreatment $100 Mechanical sand and grit removal device shown here
Pretreatment $200 Function of this device?
Pretreatment $300 This 25 year old device is used before filtration
Pretreatment $400 The device shown here for pretreatment before membrane filtration?
Pretreatment $500 A concave depression in the bottom of a structure to collect sediment ?
Pretreatment $100-Answer What is the cyclone degritter?
Pretreatment $200-Answer What is to prevent short circuiting, slows the movement of water down to aid in floc removal?
Pretreatment $300-Answer What is a redwood baffle?
Pretreatment $400-Answer What is a strainer?
Pretreatment $500-Answer What is a sand trap?
Coagulation $100 _________ mixing occurs during coagulation
Coagulation $200 Typical charge on troublesome particles to be removed from water
Coagulation $300 Two trivalent ions used for coagulation
Coagulation $400 Name four types of coagulants
Coagulation $500 Three functions/advantages of using anionic polyelectrolytes polymers
Coagulation 100 $ Answer What is rapid or flash mixing?
Coagulation $200-Answer What is negative?
Coagulation $300-Answer What are iron and aluminum?
Coagulation $400-Answer What are ALUM or aluminum sulfate ACH or aluminum chlorohydrate Ferric chloride, Ferric or ferrous sulfate, Aluminum polymers, Cationic, anionic, or nonionic polyelectrolytes Sodium aluminate, Sodium silicate What are ALUM or aluminum sulfate ACH or aluminum chlorohydrate Ferric chloride, Ferric or ferrous sulfate, Aluminum polymers, Cationic, anionic, or nonionic polyelectrolytes Sodium aluminate, Sodium silicate
Coagulation $500-Answer What are increased floc size, improved settling, stronger floc. Not effected by pH, alkalinity, hardness, or turbidity.
Final Jeopardy Coagulant Aids
Final Jeopardy What is a coagulant aid and what are three types of coagulant aids??
Final Jeopardy-Answer They are Activated silica, weighting agents like bentonite clay, and polyelectrolytes. Stronger more settable flocs Overcome the effect of temp drops that slow coagulation Reduce the amount of coagulant needed Reduce the amount of sludge produced. They are Activated silica, weighting agents like bentonite clay, and polyelectrolytes. Stronger more settable flocs Overcome the effect of temp drops that slow coagulation Reduce the amount of coagulant needed Reduce the amount of sludge produced.