Junior Road Safety Officers A guide
JRSOs planning some road safety activities
What does a JRSO do? Involves pupils in promoting road safety to other pupils Encourages pupils to behave responsibly near roads
JRSO activities Maintain and update JRSO noticeboard Take part in road assemblies Organise road safety competitions, surveys and other activities Set a good example at all times
How many JRSOs can you count?
Lots of JRSOs having fun together
It is helpful to have somebody at school who will support the Junior Road Safety Officers. This can be a teacher, classroom assistant or parent It’s fun being a JRSO.
JRSO noticeboard
Notice Board Ask your teacher to find you a notice board where everyone can see it. Make a big title. It could be ‘Junior Road Safety Officers’. Find some road safety posters and information to put up. Make sure it is eye catching with bright colours.
JRSO Competitions
Competitions Organise a competition for pupils in school to take part in. Choose a road safety theme for the competition. Your job is to tell everyone at school about the competition and inform them of the closing date. Then collect the entries and judge the best ones. Announce the winners in assembly.
Assemblies Try to take part in at least one assembly per term. Make sure you are well prepared. Ask a teacher to help you. Practice what you are going to say. Make it fun and interesting
The JRSOs are teaching the rest of the school an action rhyme to remember the Green Cross Code.
Good Idea!
Even the youngest pupils can get involved.
Lots of pupils showing their competition entries in assembly
Telling the whole school about the competition.
Diary Use a folder or make your own booklet for your JRSO diary. Use this to keep yourselves organised with a record of your activities. Keep your JRSO diaries up to date to let us know what you’ve been doing. Include your own Road Safety ideas, competitions and winning entries and photographs of your activities and assemblies.
What sort of diary do you like best?
Celebrating with some prize winning JRSOs!
JRSOs : Keeping pupils safe on the roads at your school.