Acceptable Use Policy Quiz Boston Public Schools Technology Awareness Initiative
Why was the acceptable use policy implemented? A. To protect all internet users B. To monitor the internet C. To ensure integrity of internet D. Both A and C
In order to have an internet account with BPS what are you required to sign? A. The Handbook B. The Acceptable Use Policy C. The Internet User Contract D. The Internet Account Policy
Where can you find a copy of the AUP and student contract? A. The school office B. Computer class C. Parent Handbook D. Guide to Boston Public Schools for Families & Students
Where can you learn to integrate technology into lessons? A. Office of information services B. Office of instructional technology C. Office of instructional support D. Office of instructional teaching
What does AUP stand for? A. Apple user policy B. Acceptable user policy C. Appropriate user program D. Appropriate user policy
Who has to sign the student contract? A. Parents and teachers B. Students C. Students and teachers D. Parents and students
What prevents inappropriate use of the internet? A. Signing the contract B. A filtering system C. A removable device D. CPU