a retrospective look : Action Research on the Fly:
The Problem: Students in my freshman Physical Science class were unable to answer simple math- related questions on tests. Evidence: Post-test from previous unit shows nearly every student missing every math-related question.
The Question “Does focusing on remedial math skills, with relevant science applications, lead to increased achievement for students in science?” Or : “How can I be sure that my students will be able to apply the math they have learned to real-life situations and future science classes?”
The “Research” Mixed-Method, quasi-experimental for ease of use and multiple data sources. Design: Historical Inquiry with open-ended questions, Pre-test/Post-test assessment of math/science skills, and 3 quizzes along the way. M – S – T – M Or, Ideally: S – M – m1 – m2 – m3 – M
Procedure: Identified critical skills to focus on, using pre-test results. Matched survey answers to test scores, to look for trends. Pre- and post-tests used identical math questions, but different format and color. Discarded scores for students who never showed up for class.
Threats: Threats to Validity: Identical tests can produce a confounding variable. Threats to Fidelity: Implementation – did I teach to the test? Threats to Reliability: Each group of students will likely have different ability level.
References: Collier, K., Guenther, T., & Veerman, C. (2002). Developing critical thinking skills through a variety of instructional strategies. Saint Xavier University. Chicago, Ill. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED469416) McDonough, T. (2004). Motivational Techniques for Middle School Mathematics. The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED490030) Romine, X. (2004). Using Games in the Classroom to Enhance Motivation, Participation, and Retention: A Pre-test and Post-test Evaluation. The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED )