What Google Privacy issues?
Concerns with Google & Privacy atch?v=YncVKgpTd6E&featu re=player_embedded
What other countries think about Google Street view Most Germens decided to opt-out of having there homes photographed by the street car. Germany Jennifer Stoddart, Canada’s Commissioner of Privacy says “some of the captured information was very sensitive, such as a list that provided the names of people suffering from certain medical conditions, along with their telephone numbers and addresses. Thousands of Canadians were affected.” Canada
Google’s other privacy issues Google reached a settlement that states that Google will establish an $8.5 million fund to help educate people how to protect the privacy. Many people believe the Google gives to much information and can zoom in to close.
Google Street view Streisand effect: is when someone tries to hide something from media and instead off hiding it people go online and try to see for themselves.