10/06/2015 The status of TDMS 1GSC-9, Seoul SOURCE:TTA TITLE:The status of TDMS(Telecommunication Disaster Management System) in Korea AGENDA ITEM:GTSC and GRSC Item 4.2 CONTACT:Kimsy, GSC9_joint_018 TTA
GSC-9, Seoul TDMS Construction Background Many people depends on telecommunication services for the daily life(web surfing, ing, telecommunications services etc.) The Damages of telecommunication facilities occurred by Disasters affect adversely The investments for the prevention from disasters and the needs for sharing information about disasters are expanding The necessity about constructing and operating the Telecommunication Disaster Management System become more important in national respect
GSC-9, Seoul What is TDMS ? TDMS is a Management System which has a role in analyzing the present state of communication facilities and supporting the restoration activities in the event of a disaster outbreak To prevent from communication disaster, minimize communication facilities damages and support the stable economic and social activities using communication services To make an effective use of restricted national telecommunication resources by interconnection and interoperating among networks
GSC-9, Seoul TDMS Feature
GSC-9, Seoul DB of TDMS TDMS project includes the construction of DB which is related to Telecommunication facilities, service providers retain, and Telecommunication Disasters The kinds of DB –Telecommunication resource DB : backbone network, switch, transmission, base-station, local office, etc –The cases from past Telecommunication Disasters –The present condition of Disasters
GSC-9, Seoul TDMS Application Constituting ERT or TDCH and using SOP in emergency response activities –TDMS has contact information about ERT and TDCH members –Constituting and operating Emergency Response Team or Telecommunication Disaster Countermeasure Headquarters –TDMS has SOP and SOP is used in emergency response activities GIS function for the visible effect –Users are able to mark telecommunication facilities, the present status of telecommunication disaster and an expectation scope of disaster on the map using GIS function Analysis function about disaster information and Forecasting function
GSC-9, Seoul TDMS Interworking function TDMS has interworking function with other government agencies and carrier’s NMS for sharing information about emergency status –The real-time status of outbreak telecommunication disaster from Service Provider's NMS –The real-time status of outbreak disaster from MOGAHA's (Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs) NDMS(National Disaster Management System) –The real-time status of outbreak Internet invasion from KISA(Korea Information Security Agency) –The real-time status outbreak disaster from FDMD(Fire and Disaster Management Department) –The real-time Data of water level, rainfall and a dam observatory from Flood Control Office
GSC-9, Seoul TDMS Plan The Base system construction The construction of operation system(server, S/W, H/W, Response center) DB construction : Telecommunication resources, The cases for Telecommunication Disasters, GIS Map SOP, Analysis and forecasting function The first stage Update Map and DB data related to telecommunication resources Adding auto notification function Interconnection scheme among networks Analysis and forecasting function upgrade Update of Map with three-dimension and telecommunication facilities data Interworking with carrier’s NMS Interworking with NDMS Preparing Interworking scheme with other government agencies upgrade DB: Adding data of telecommunication resources on each DB Preparing interworking scheme between management systems and interconnection scheme among networks Upgrade Analysis and forecasting function ~ (2nd) 2005 (3rd) 2006 (4th) The second stage The third stage
GSC-9, Seoul Thank you !