What is EBL? EBL describes an environment in which learning is driven by a process of enquiry owned by the student. The tutor establishes the task and facilitates the process, but the students pursue their own lines of enquiry, draw on their existing knowledge and identify the consequent learning needs. They seek out relevant evidence and take responsibility for analysing and presenting this appropriately, either as part of a group or as an individual supported by others. They are thus engaged as partners in learning. University of Manchester CETL
Examples of related learning approaches that place enquiry at the centre Reflective Learning Problem Based Learning Research Based Learning Action Learning Experiential Learning
Why EBL? To develop transferable skills for the 21st century Working with transdisciplinary, situated, constructed knowledge in a complex world To address the `theory-practice gap’ For multi-disciplinary working; in the ethical dimension of any issue; at the interface of the human and the technical/abstract To enhance engagement (vs alienation) for students and staff; to promote `deeper’ learning To be at the leading edge of teaching & learning practice; to engage learners in research activity.
EBL: challenges EBL is not a panacea Radical challenge to `transmission-based’, teacher- centred learning, need for staff development Likely to involve change of culture/`unlearning’ for students May conflict with institutional orthodoxy Effort involved in integrating into curriculum design, resolving practical and resource Need for objective evidence
Key features of EBL 1.Student-centred – learners define questions/goals, within programme framework 2.Enquiring embedded in learning outcomes (e.g. may focus on transferable skills) 3.Includes explicit teaching/development of enquiry skills 4.Rewarded through assessment (`constructive alignment’ - Biggs) 5.Likely to involve collaborative (peer) learning 6.Creative and holistic – e.g. may emphasise `emotional intelligence’ 7.Supported/facilitated
Examples of EBL UniS Case Study 1 (Dietetics) - see article on the ESCalate website: Other UniS case studies will appear on the L2L website See brief examples in the report of our Enquiry Based Learning Event - 24th June 2005 (on L2L website) See other links on the L2L website
Staff and Student Experiences of EBL from UniS Case Study 1 (Dietetics): Increased enjoyment in teaching and learning Increased engagement, peer learning Increased transferable skills development Increased awareness of learning processes Risk of groupwork ‘overkill’ Need for closure Enhanced disciplinary knowledge See article on the ESCalate website: