GLAST LAT ProjectOnline EM Experience – October 23, 2003 R. Claus1 Online EM Experience Online Operations R. Claus, J. Panetta, S. Tuvi
GLAST LAT ProjectOnline EM Experience – October 23, 2003 R. Claus2 Online operations Informational parameters were sometimes not set by shifters Run Control needed to be restarted between runs –Restart needed after some preference changes Environmental monitoring doesn’t run by default –Shifters sometimes didn’t start it –The monitoring process doesn’t report alarms –We’re not in possession of alarm values Security: –Protection against modifying core, scripts, XMLs, etc. Operator authentication needed? –I&T controlled release of Test scripts –Verification of above Problem reporting to Online –Guidelines needed
GLAST LAT ProjectOnline EM Experience – October 23, 2003 R. Claus3 Online operations: Run Control, etc. Run input and output file management –Scripts –Configurations –Snapshots –Housekeeping and monitoring –Run reports –Test reports –Data Run Control issues –GUI for “system” parameters Trigger TACK delays –Slow-down when Hippo gobbles all of memory –Cutting and pasting to e-logbook –Shifter input?
GLAST LAT ProjectOnline EM Experience – October 23, 2003 R. Claus4 Run Control Reminder
GLAST LAT ProjectOnline EM Experience – October 23, 2003 R. Claus5 Online operations Test script issues –Missing test scripts Electronics functional tests –Currently relying on subsystem scripts to do these, e.g. Register tests Timing-in scripts Others? –Non-intuitive script naming –Additional restrictions on subsystems? Electronic logbook issues –Searching –Local version –Mate/Demate log acceptable?
GLAST LAT ProjectOnline EM Experience – October 23, 2003 R. Claus6 SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A H COMMENT COMMENT The data in this file can be parsed using of the Online software COMMENT package EBF or a similar package designed according to LAT-TD D1, COMMENT V/I 1.5/1; LAT-TD D1, V/I 3.0/1; and LAT-TD D1, V/I 2.1/1. DGRAMID = / Datagram Identity EVTVERSN= / Event Version Event data file FITS Headers
GLAST LAT ProjectOnline EM Experience – October 23, 2003 R. Claus7 KEY_0000= 'TestName' VAL_0000= 'testAppCal' KEY_0001= 'RunId ' VAL_0001= ' ' KEY_0002= 'Operator' VAL_0002= 'Selim Tuvi' KEY_0003= 'OperatorId' VAL_0003= 1 KEY_0004= 'EventCount' VAL_0004= 10 KEY_0005= 'BadEventCount' VAL_0005= 0 KEY_0006= 'ErrorEventCount' VAL_0006= 0 KEY_0007= 'PauseCount' VAL_0007= 0 KEY_0008= 'StartTime' VAL_0008= '(2003, 10, 15, 1, 16, 16, 2, 288, 0)' KEY_0009= 'ElapsedTime' VAL_0009= Event data file FITS Headers (1)
GLAST LAT ProjectOnline EM Experience – October 23, 2003 R. Claus8 KEY_0010= 'EndTime ' VAL_0010= '(2003, 10, 15, 1, 16, 17, 2, 288, 0)' KEY_0011= 'SchemaConfigFile' VAL_0011= 'simpleTemSchema.xml' KEY_0012= 'AdditionalInputFiles' VAL_0012= '[] ' KEY_0013= 'VersionData' VAL_0013= ' ' / See table 'VersionData' KEY_0014= 'Release ' VAL_0014= 'P ' KEY_0015= 'ModulesFailedVerification' VAL_0015= ' ' / See table 'ModulesFailedVerification' KEY_0016= 'CompletionStatus' VAL_0016= -1 KEY_0017= 'FITSfile' VAL_0017= 'ebf fits' KEY_0018= 'Comments' VAL_0018= '[] ' Event data file FITS Headers (2)
GLAST LAT ProjectOnline EM Experience – October 23, 2003 R. Claus9 KEY_0019= 'Site ' VAL_0019= 'SLAC ' KEY_0020= 'ParticleType' VAL_0020= 'None ' KEY_0021= 'InstrumentType' VAL_0021= 'Test setup' KEY_0022= 'Orientation' VAL_0022= 'N/A ' KEY_0023= 'Phase ' VAL_0023= 'Bench testing' END Event data file FITS Headers (3)