E-Business Models Bringing the pieces together (adapted from the content in the Place to Space… textbook)
Evaluating A. Models Owning the Customer RelationshipDataTransaction Content Providerxxx Direct to Customer Full-Service Provider Intermediary x Shared Infrastructurex Value Net Integratorx x Virtual Community xx Whole of Entr.
Rate the e-Value How large is the potential to: – digitally describe or deliver the product? – generate cost or price reductions using technology? – undermine customer loyalty? – encourage customers to self-serve? – attain global reach? – offer dynamic pricing? – leverage knowledge management? – customize your product online? – alienate current retailers?
E-Business Strategy e-biz Initiatives Atomic Models Threats Opportunities Firm Strategic Intent Firm Core Competencies
Combining A. Models CPD2CFSPISIVNIVCWoE Content Provider (CP) Direct to Customer (D2C) Full-Service Provider (FSP) Intermediary (I) Shared Infrastructure (SI) Value Net Integrator (VNI) Virtual Community (VC) Whole of Enterprise (WoE) = clear conflict = possible conflict = clear conflict