Office of Academics - Department of Science New Teacher K–2 Orientation Next Generation Sunshine State Standards For Science with Integration of English Language Arts Literacy and Mathematics Common Core State Standards Noreyda Casañas, Curriculum Support Specialist Tiffany Kinchens, Curriculum Support Specialist Dan Gangeri, Curriculum Support Specialist Millard E. Lightburn, Ph.D., District Supervisor
Agenda K-2 Welcome/Introductions Practicing Science Planning for Science Instruction Valuable Resources Effective Strategies Reflections Office of Academics - Department of Science
NORMS Participate actively Ask questions Learn by doing Set your own learning into action Office of Academics - Department of Science
Session Outcomes Participants will be able to: – Plan and model scientific thinking through hands-on activity – Access science Pacing Guides and instructional resources to support science teaching and learning – Identify effective instructional strategies to integrate technology and Florida Standards into Science NGSSS – Implement best science instructional practices – Enhance science interaction among students Office of Academics - Department of Science
Department of Mathematics and Science What is Science? What is Science?
Department of Mathematics and Science Science is the investigation of the world around us through observation, experimentation, and theoretical explanation. Science makes use of the scientific method, which includes careful observation of the natural phenomena, the formulation of a hypothesis, the conducting of one or more experiments to test hypothesis, and the drawing of conclusion that confirms or modifies the hypothesis. Definition modified from American Heritage-Houghton Mifflin
Department of Mathematics and Science 1. Look at things closely with a purpose 2. Think ahead about what might happen 3. Use tools to make precise or specific information with numbers 4. Put things into definite categories by common properties 5. Use reasoning to draw conclusions 6. Describe and share information with others Process Skills: Observe Predict Measure Classify Infer Communicate What do Scientists do? What do Scientists do?
Practicing Science Five Senses Five Senses (K-5) Sight - Looks Touch - Feels Hearing – Sounds when dropped Odor – Smells Tastes* (*Safety first! Never taste anything or put anything in your mouth without permission from your teacher). Qualitative Observations Measurement Tools Measurement Tools (2-5) Ruler Tape measure Measuring cup Graduated cylinder Balance Gram Mass piecesMass Quantitative Observations Observing Fruit Office of Academics - Department of Science
Department of Mathematics and Science Senses Observations Inferences Compare and Contrast Observation Inferences To infer is to use observations to reach a conclusion based on evidence. Opinion A personal belief that does not need proof. To observe is to look closely at something using any of the five senses and/or measurement tools.
What Should a Science Classroom Look Like? Students engaged in inquiry Students doing hands-on activities Students thinking and writing critically Infusion of literacy (LAFS) and math (LAFS) Incorporation of Technology Students’ science work displayed Most importantly: Students doing science & communicating the outcomes in all grades (K-5)! Office of Academics - Department of Science
Good Science Instruction Plan Effectively with end in mind – using the Pacing Guides - 5 E’s Model Implement a routine of inquiry based, hands-on activities relevant to the objectives of the topic. Develop Higher-Order Questioning Strategies using Explicit- Reflective instruction to enhance student thinking that includes: - Asking questions about surroundings - Learning to make systematic observations in order to formulate answers to events that occur in our surrounding - Applying models to formulate solutions to questions Encourage students to communicate verbally and in writing Office of Academics - Department of Science
Pacing Guide Year-At-A-Glance Grades K-5 Office of Academics – Department of Science
xxxx school name New teacher Available Resource Links: Scott Foresman Science Teacher Edition Scott Foresman Science Student Edition Pacing Guides
Key Components K-5 Teacher’s Edition Student Edition Activity Workbook (online only) Every Student Learns TE Florida Science Workbook TE (online only) Florida FCAT Benchmark Mini-lessons (online only) Content transparencies (online only) Leveled Readers TE (online only) Quick Study (online only) Vocabulary cards (online only) Online Resource listed above are available from a Employee Portal link. Online Resource listed above are also available through the TE Printable Resources tab on along with the Take It to the Net Program (Grade level product access codes are listed in the Pacing Guides on the Supplemental Resource page.) Science Activity Kits (blue translucent bins) – Check with your grade level chair and/or administration at your school. (Purchased in 2006.)
Scott Foresman Science Online Resources Important updates to Pearson Successnet! Access Codes listed in Pacing Guides are not correct The District-Wide Code (all schools) is now Use the web browser: Chrome Teachers can register quickly at this link: Then select "Register Here" Under TEACHERS click REGISTER Click ENTER SCHOOL CODE : (same for all schools) & school ZIP CODE
Employee Portal: Discovery Education Elementary Science Teaching Resources PD: ES: 5 Minute Preps Search Classroom Manager Form a Class and add students Elementary Science Search
Additional Access to Resources Office of Academics – Department of Science
Science Department Website Resources Department of Mathematics and Science
Item Specifications K-2 and 3-5 K-2 and 3-5 Division of Academics - Department of Science
Reading Wonders Series K - 5 Correlations to the Elementary Science Curriculum Correlations to the Elementary Science Curriculum UNITTHEME/STORYSCIENCE STANDARDS Unit 1, Week 2Get Up and Go-Pouch Baby Animals on the Move SC.K.L.14.3-Characteristics of Animals (Q3) Unit 1, Week 3Use Your Senses-Senses at the Seashore Sam Can See I Can See SC.K.L.14.1-Five Senses and Related Body Parts (Q1) Unit 2, Week 2Shapes All Around Us-Shapes All Around Find the Shapes SC.K.P.8.1-Sort objects by Observable Properties (Q1) Unit 2, Week 3World of Bugs-I Love Bugs Bugs All Around SC.K.L.14.3-Characteristics of Animals (Q3) Unit 3, Week 2Sounds-Clang! Clang! Beep! Beep! Sounds are Everywhere SC.K.P.10.1-Sound SC.K.L.14.1-Five Senses Related to Body Parts (Q1) Unit 5, Week 1How Does Your Garden Grow- My Garden SC.K.L.14.3-Characterics of Plants (Q3) Unit 5, Week 2Trees-A Grand Old Tree, From Seed to TreeSC.K.L.14.3-Characterics of Plants, Plant and Animal Comparisons (Q3) Unit 5, Week 3Fresh from the Farm- An Orange in January Farmers Market SC.K.L.14.2-Animal and Plant Portrayals (Q3) Unit 6, Week 1Four Seasons Mama, is it Summer Yet? Is it Hot? SC.K.E.5.2-Repeating Patterns SC.1.E.5.4 Identify the beneficial and harmful properties of the sun. SC.1.E.6.2 Describe the need for water and how to be safe around water (Q4) Kindergarten Correlations All Stories in Bold are in the Literature Big Book
Five ’s Instructional Strategy* The Five E Model is one way to prioritize student involvement in their own learning (both in terms of physical activity and active construction of understandings). This Five E’s learning model suggests the design and implementation of lessons to activate prior knowledge, shape the formation of new knowledge, and provide opportunities to use the new knowledge. *Developed by Biological Science Curriculum Study (BSCS), a team led by Roger Bybee.
Department of Mathematics and ScienceDivision of Academics - Department of Science 5 ’s / Gradual Release Models
Sample Five E’s Lesson Plan
Interactive Notebooks / Writing in Science = Building Understanding of Science Department of Mathematics and Science
Organization of Individual Pages These features allow students to organize their work and more efficiently access learning from prior activities or lessons. They also assist the teachers in assessing student understanding. Common organizational features include: *Date each page *Number on each page *Headings Focus questions *Activity title Pockets *Connects to the Table of Contents
MDCPS - Kinloch Park ES Grade 5 Teachers Science Coach: Dr. Maritza Galceran
MDCPS - Kinloch Park ES Grade 5 Teachers Science Coach: Dr. Maritza Galceran
Corrective Feedback Provide feedback that guides students to think about the content of their work, and gives suggestions for how to improve. For example: Use the science vocabulary to support your work. Can you tell me why you think that? (evidence) Why do you think that happened? (reasoning) Provide time for students to read the feedback and revise their responses.
Effective Use of Classroom Data Teaching Using Results Planning Student Learning Assessing Source: Dr. Yuwadee Wongbundhit Office of Academics - Department of Science
IMPORTANCE OF DATA Facilitate a clear understanding of the gaps between where the school or class is and where it wants to be. Show if school or class goals and objectives are being accomplished. Predict and prevent failures. Predict and ensure successes. Establish foundation for Continuous School Improvement/SIP. Data drives instruction, and professional development. Office of Academics - Department of Science
Department of Mathematics and Science Science Assessments Grade LevelBenchmark Assessments*Test Guidelines Kindergarten 1 st Grade 2 nd Grade 3 rd Grade 4 th Grade Pretest Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 EOC Exam Quarterly Assessments include only benchmarks for that quarter. EOC Exam includes benchmarks from all four quarters (summative testing). 5 th GradeBaseline, Fall Interim, Winter Interim, Post Test, FCAT 2.0 All benchmarks are included on every assessment (summative testing). *Administration dates decided by school site.
Successful Strategies to Use Interactive Notebooks HOT Questions (Webb’s Depth of Knowledge) HOT Questions Inquiry Hands-On Activities/Labs Demonstrations Technology - videos, virtual labs, power points Centers / Stations Graphic Organizers Models & Visuals Cooperative Learning Think-Pair-Share Jigsaw Differentiated Instruction strategies Integrating LAFS & MAFS The 5 E’s “Learn science, by doing science” Cristian Carranza Office of Academics - Department of Science
Interactive Notebook (IAN) Grade Level Common Planning Hands-on Materials & Measurement Tools Essentials for a Successful Science Class Technology Promethean or SmartBoard Internet Access Designated School Science Leader District’s Pacing Guide Discovery Education, NBC Learn, Gizmos, C-Palms 5 E’s and/or Explicit Instruction Office of Academics - Department of Science Scott Foresman textbook, AIMS and other Supplemental Resources Science Dept. Website Florida Standards Integration
Reflect on Session Outcomes Participants can: – Plan and model scientific thinking through hands-on activity – Access science Pacing Guides and instructional resources to support science teaching and learning – Identify effective instructional strategies to integrate technology and Florida Standards into Science NGSSS – Implement best science instructional practices – Enhance science interaction among students Office of Academics - Department of Science
Announcements Science Professional Development Grades K-5 Teachers February 17, :30 am – 3:30 pm West Miami Middle Go to Apps/Services/Sites page on your Employee Portal Click on the Professional Development Menu and Registration System to register Division of Academics – Department of Science
Slip T-A-G Reflection Have a STEM-filled school year! Office of Academics - Department of Science