17 th International Reflective Practice Conference Brendan Cropley, John Peel, Sheldon Hanton, & Scott Fleming 17 th International Reflective Practice Conference Learning through reflection: Values, conflicts, and role interactions of a youth sport coach Brendan Cropley, John Peel, Sheldon Hanton, & Scott Fleming Cardiff School of Sport
Setting the Scene
Background and Context The “nature” of sports coaching RationalismComplexity Coach Education Reflective Practice
Exploring ‘John’: An Autoethnography Explored the: – Centrality of values in practice – Tensions and conflicts created by values and their denial – Impact of these on emotions and behaviours Examine the use of reflective practices in the personal learning journey of a part-time, volunteer, youth sport coach.
The Evolution of ‘Coach’
Outcomes: Understanding Values Over a 3 year period: Sporting and social success Developed an ecology of practice Altered practice Became aware of his self, his values, and behaviours 1.Creating a positive learning environment 2.Personal growth for athletes and coaches inside and outside of sport 3.Developing independence 4.Equal opportunities
The Evolution of ‘Coach’ II 1. Values drive emotional responses to situations which in turn drive behaviours 2. RP facilitated a different view of John’s self, enhancing his emotional literacy through increased self-awareness, self- control, and self-efficacy. 3. The ‘ecosystem’ of John’s coaching practice was also part of a broader ecology of practice. 4. The surfacing of ambitious outcomes (fantasies) may contribute to the development of a personalized ‘living educational theory’
Implications Positive youth development in sport is linked directly to the coach Practice is a value-laden activity Reflective learning in coaching may work by helping to develop emotional skills Surfacing inner conflicts is required to improve congreunce between values and behaviours
17 th International Reflective Practice Conference 17 th International Reflective Practice Conference Learning through reflection: Values, conflicts, and role interactions of a youth sport coach QUESTIONS?