Why should I come? To share fellowship with fellow Rotarians. To hear inspiring speakers. To learn how we are acting locally, nationally and globally to “do good in the world”. To “come up to speed” as a new Rotarian. To celebrate being a proud Rotarian.
2012 is the Golden Jubilee of conferences of District is an Olympic Year, so lets “so lets strive for excellence”. “The Gong” is the iconic name
The Gong is only two hours away. A “reinvented town”. Lots to see and do. Great Conference venue. Accommodation is close by. Shuttle bus.
Go for Gold at the Gong! The traditional blend of fellowship and inspiration. Preconference events, Friday night opening with casual dinner, plenary sessions with great speakers, Saturday Masked Ball with swing band. New attractions Club Showcase for all clubs to promote their achievements and skills. Speak your Mind focus groups over Sunday lunch.
Full registration fees $ Packages available for every need. Registration and accommodation now on-line. Early Bird till 30 November Fliers available tonight.
Let’s all be there!!