Physics of Astronomy Spring 2006 Astronomy & Astrophysics Electromagnetism Seminar: Cosmology & Journals Your research Today: short course on LIGHT
When shall we have weekly research reports? Mondays after HW session?
Electromagnetism Giancoli = primary source New! Workshop Physics Module 4 by Laws (Dickinson) on reserve in Library Copy or order Workshop Physics Light (today) Potentials (next week) Circuits through Maxwell’s equations □ Look at SYLLABUS together…
Light Ch.33 Reflection & Refraction Ch.34 Lenses & optical instruments Ch.35 Interference Ch.36 Diffraction & Polarization Hitting the high points….
Ch.33 Reflection
Images formed in mirrors
Refraction: v = c/n; n 1 sin 1 = n 2 sin 2 Q.13
Total internal reflection
Ch.34 Lenses & optical instruments
Object far from converging lens forms real image near focal point. Object close to converging lens forms virtual image.
Combinations of lenses (1) Find location of Image 1 → (2) Let this be Object 2 → Find Image 2
Simple camera and human eye
Corrective lenses
Magnifying glass
Ch.35 Interference
Huyghen’s principle Every point on a wave front can be considered as a source of tiny wavelets that spread our in the forward direction at the speed of the wave itself.
Huyghens explains refraction
Interference – Young’s double-slit experiment □ First, PREDICT PATTERNS if light is PARTICLES or WAVES
Interference – theoretical explanation
Interference bright spots
Ch.36 Diffraction & Polarization
Diffraction through a single slit Diffraction DARK spots at
Diffraction through a double slit
Diffraction grating
Resolution limits
Polarization by reflection