Introduction to the Department of the Interior Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program Introduction to the Department of the Interior Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program
2 Department of the Interior We are the nation’s principal conservation agency
3 Our Mission Protect America’s natural resources for future generations Provide access to our nation’s natural and cultural heritage Offer recreational opportunities Honor our trust responsibilities to American Indians, Alaska natives, and responsibilities to Island communities Conduct scientific research Provide wise stewardship of energy and mineral resources Foster sound use of land and water resources Conserve and protect fish and wildlife
4 DOI Structure Bureau of Land Management Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Geological Survey Bureau of Reclamation Bureau of Indian Affairs Bureau of Indian Education Office of Surface Mining Minerals Management Service National Parks Service
5 The Department of the Interior Manages 500 million acres of surface land—one out of every 5 acres of US land Manages 1.76 billion acres of the Outer Continental Shelf with over 8,500 active oil and gas leases USGS is a world leader in the natural sciences thanks to our scientific excellence and responsiveness to society's needs.
6 DOI Manages our country’s water resources (dams, reservoirs, and underwater resources) Provides recreation through recreational sites and parks, monuments, seashore sites, and battlefields managed by the National Park Service Relationships with 562 Indian tribes and provides educational services to approximately 46,000 Indian children Conserves and protects fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats
7 DOI Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program Grooms leaders to meet our executive leadership needs A key element of our Succession Management process Builds our internal capacity Class #16 selected in Fall 08 Executive Resources Board (ERB) oversees entire process Executive Champion is Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, supported by DOI University, Executive Resources, and Strategic Employee Development
8 The Selection Process Applicants write ECQs; qualifications reviewed by executive panels Second level of process is candidate interview by 3 person executive teams ERB reviews applicant packages and makes selection Class size averages Participation is open to external organizations
9 Program Design Orientation Week Individual Development Plans DOI SES Mentors Five Core Session Weeks Developmental Assignments Executive Education Team Projects
10 Orientation Week Introduction to Program Requirements and overall process Mentor-Protégé Meeting and Training Personal effectiveness feedback through 360° Instrumentation builds awareness of strengths and developmental opportunities First opportunity to initiate relationships and teambuilding as a cohort
11 Mentor-Protégé Relationship Mentors represent every Bureau Mentors and Protégés participate in training to learn effective behaviors Mentor Guide distributed to reinforce the mentoring relationship Mentoring Agreement reviews the duality of the relationship and describes how the pair will work together
12 Individual Development Plans Initiated at Orientation Session Candidate reviews previous work experience, previous executive development, and 360 feedback to identify level of focus on ECQ development Co-created with Mentor Submitted to ERB for review and approval
13 Core Sessions Planned and conducted by DOI SES sponsors with sincere interest to contribute to organization’s success Interactive course curriculum includes sessions offered by DOI leaders and external subject matter experts Held in different locations around US ECQ development through an executive focus on important issues facing DOI
14 Class #16 Core Sessions Executive Decision-making: Values, Ethics, and Public Perception Organizational Vision, Mission, Culture, and Change Partnerships and Collaboration Integrated Budget, Finance, and Performance Management Top Management Opportunities
15 Developmental Assignments Can be internal or external to DOI Assignments meet standards established by OPM Require Executive Sponsor Candidate documents experience in terms of ECQs, value of assignment, and outcomes; Executive Sponsor also writes one page assessment of performance.
16 Executive Education Meets the requirement of OPM for at least 80 hours of formal executive training Linked to ECQ areas for growth and applicability to federal work environment
17 Team Projects Class grouped into four or five to work projects Project topics address an issue of systemic importance, i.e. issues identified in Federal Human Capital Survey Candidates work across organizational lines to make recommendations for tangible results
18 ECQs Package submitted to OPM Qualifications Review Board will include ECQ statement, certificates of course completion, and two- page mentor statement indicating support and evidences of successful CDP completion.
19 Improvements to our Program Continuous critique of our process has resulted in: –Implementation of collaborative workspace for candidate interaction (Sharepoint) –Revision of IDP process to ensure closer link to ECQs development –Reinforcement of the mentoring process to ensure closer interaction between protégé and mentor.
20 Evidences of Success Prior to completion of Class #15, ten candidates were placed in SES positions SESCDP graduates are strong candidates for upcoming vacancies per the Department Succession Plan Cohort bonding is strong upon course completion; graduating class seeks ways to stay in touch Candidates share their leadership experience by volunteering to serve as mentors in the new Department- wide mentoring program
21 For Further Information Please contact: Sandy Wells Director, Strategic Employee Development Ph: Jeni Mallios Director, Executive Resources Ph: