KEK Test Beam Phase II Plan Makoto Yoshida (Osaka Univ.) MICE FT Daresbury 2005/8/30
Layout of T585
Step 1 High momentum parallel beam without magnetic field High momentum parallel beam without magnetic field Check light yield Check light yield 3HF dependence 3HF dependence 2500 ppm / 5000 ppm on the 4 th station 2500 ppm / 5000 ppm on the 4 th station Angle dependence Angle dependence Dead channel (efficiency) Dead channel (efficiency) Cross talk between fibers / views Cross talk between fibers / views Position alignment Position alignment Station alignment Station alignment fiber alignment on station fiber alignment on station High speed DAQ ~1kHz is necessary High speed DAQ ~1kHz is necessary
Step 2 With solenoid magnetic field With solenoid magnetic field Study tracking performance Study tracking performance Defocused beam in 30cm Defocused beam in 30cm Low momentum beam 0.2 – 0.6 GeV/c Low momentum beam 0.2 – 0.6 GeV/c Select muons by TOF/ACC Select muons by TOF/ACC Measure muon momentum by TOF Measure muon momentum by TOF T1 =50ps, hodoscope =60ps TOF =66ps T1 =50ps, hodoscope =60ps TOF =66ps 300 MeV/c dp/p = 1.7% 300 MeV/c dp/p = 1.7% 400 MeV/c dp/p = 2.8% 400 MeV/c dp/p = 2.8% Difficulties Difficulties decay in flight decay in flight path length on spiral track in magnetic field path length on spiral track in magnetic field energy loss energy loss
Preparation works TOF TOF Establish calibration / online monitoring scheme Establish calibration / online monitoring scheme Improve support structure for easy manipulation Improve support structure for easy manipulation ACC ACC Establish calibration with LED Establish calibration with LED gain monitoring in beam time gain monitoring in beam time DAQ DAQ temperature monitor logging temperature monitor logging AFE slow control AFE slow control Quick VLSB readout Quick VLSB readout
Time line July, 2005 July, 2005 KEK-PS T585 has been approved for 1 week beam time (20 shifts) at KEK-PS 2 beam line KEK-PS T585 has been approved for 1 week beam time (20 shifts) at KEK-PS 2 beam line Aug. 24 th Aug. 24 th Start to prepare VLPC Cryostat in 2 experimental area Start to prepare VLPC Cryostat in 2 experimental area Successful operation of Cryocooler Successful operation of Cryocooler Reach 7K Reach 7K Sep. 1 st Sep. 1 st Infrastructure in 2 area Infrastructure in 2 area Stable operation of Cryostat Stable operation of Cryostat Sep. 5 th Sep. 5 th Slow control by Linux Slow control by Linux AFE initialization AFE initialization Temperature control Temperature control VLSB readout in UniDAQ framework VLSB readout in UniDAQ framework Around Sep. 12 th Around Sep. 12 th Cosmic-ray test Cosmic-ray test establish trigger scheme establish trigger scheme test DAQ system test DAQ system Around Sep. 21 th Around Sep. 21 th Place solenoid magnet Place solenoid magnet Move Cryostat beside solenoid Move Cryostat beside solenoid Sep. 27 th – Sep. 30 th Sep. 27 th – Sep. 30 th Accelerator tuning Accelerator tuning Sep. 30 th Sep. 30 th Start physics run Start physics run Could be delayed to Oct. 3rd, if accelerator needs more tuning Could be delayed to Oct. 3rd, if accelerator needs more tuning