Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training1 Security Roles and Responsibilities Harvard Townsend Interim University IT Security Officer College Court 114
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training2 sent to IT help desk: “I have spent an unprecedented ammount of money attending K-State. Some of this money went to maintaing my . It is my account. I pay for it. I should get to make the decisions on when to change my password. This is a communist policy. I no longer support you in anything you do. If I want to let someone hack my account by leaving my password the same, so be it. That is the beauty of living in America, CHOICE. You have stolen my rights. I could not be more furious. This has gone too far. You people have violated my rights again and again. I won't stand for it!!! I want to have control of my own account. This is not nazi germany, this is not communist china.
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training3 I am a grown adult capable of making my own decisions. Take your mandatory password change and cram it directly up your communist a….!!! This America, LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE!!! I should be free to make my own informed decisions on when and how to manage my own account and I'm d… sure brave enough to tell you how obsurd your mandates are!!! Give the students the responcibility to make our own decisions that effect ONLY US!!! You should have no say in what I do, or what I choose not to do. College is the time to learn how to live effectivly. Who do you think you are? My mom? Are you gonna be there to hold my hand when things go wrong for me in the future? Give me a f….. break!!! Remove these policies, at least for me and anyone else who requests it. It's my account and I will manage it however I see fit.”
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training4 Who is responsible for IT security? “Security is not just the CIO’s problem; it is everyone’s problem. And everyone is responsible for the solution.” Diane Oblinger Brian Hawkins
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training5 sent to IT help desk: “I have spent an unprecedented ammount of money attending K-State. Some of this money went to maintaing my . It is my account. I pay for it. I should get to make the decisions on when to change my password. This is a communist policy. I no longer support you in anything you do. If I want to let someone hack my account by leaving my password the same, so be it. That is the beauty of living in America, CHOICE. You have stolen my rights. I could not be more furious. This has gone too far. You people have violated my rights again and again. I won't stand for it!!! I want to have control of my own account. This is not nazi germany, this is not communist china.
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training6 I am a grown adult capable of making my own decisions. Take your mandatory password change and cram it directly up your communist a….!!! This America, LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE!!! I should be free to make my own informed decisions on when and how to manage my own account and I'm d… sure brave enough to tell you how obsurd your mandates are!!! Give the students the responcibility to make our own decisions that effect ONLY US!!! You should have no say in what I do, or what I choose not to do. College is the time to learn how to live effectivly. Who do you think you are? My mom? Are you gonna be there to hold my hand when things go wrong for me in the future? Give me a f….. break!!! Remove these policies, at least for me and anyone else who requests it. It's my account and I will manage it however I see fit.”
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training7 I am a grown adult capable of making my own decisions. Take your mandatory password change and cram it directly up your communist a….!!! This America, LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE!!! I should be free to make my own informed decisions on when and how to manage my own account and I'm d… sure brave enough to tell you how obsurd your mandates are!!! Give the students the responcibility to make our own decisions that effect ONLY US!!! You should have no say in what I do, or what I choose not to do. College is the time to learn how to live effectivly. Who do you think you are? My mom? Are you gonna be there to hold my hand when things go wrong for me in the future? Give me a f….. break!!! Remove these policies, at least for me and anyone else who requests it. It's my account and I will manage it however I see fit.”
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training8 Cyber Security Awareness Month Oct. 4 – departmental security contact training IT Tuesday articles Promoting the IT security awareness student video competition “Ask a security geek” table in the Union Oct. 11/18
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training9 IT Security Responsibilities CIO IT Security Officer Network Security analyst SIRT Departmental security contact IT support staff iTAC Users
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training10 IT Security Responsibilities CIO IT Security Officer Network Security analyst SIRT Departmental security contact IT support staff iTAC IRMC Users
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training11 SIRT Responsibilities Proactive, reactive, and advisory roles Incident response Coordinate/communicate with college/unit Request restoration of network access for blocked computers Develop policies, procedures, standards,etc. Assist with training, awareness And…
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training12 IT Security Responsibilities CIO IT Security Officer Network Security analyst SIRT Departmental security contact IT support staff iTAC IRMC Users
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training13 Departmental Security Contacts Liaison between department and SIRT Facilitating: –Communication, user awareness –Preventative measures –Incident response Watch block notifications, help remediate Stay informed Know your SIRT representative
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training14 IT Security Responsibilities CIO IT Security Officer Network Security analyst SIRT Departmental security contact IT support staff iTAC IRMC Users
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training15 IT Support Staff Departmental and central IT Manage technologies Support users Implement preventative measures Implement policies Assist with incident response
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training16 iTAC IT Help Desk IT Tuesday newsletter Campus communications Training
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training17 IRMC Information Resource Management Council Recommend policy Process available at VPAST can designate interim policies
Oct 4, 2006Dept Security Contacts Training18 Users Protect information –Personal information –University information Protect eID password Protect personal computer Use good security practices – Know and follow policies and laws –