Communication Networks A Second Course Jean Walrand Department of EECS University of California at Berkeley
Stability Motivation Overview of results Linear Systems Nyquist Functional Differential Equations
Motivation Network is a controlled system Controls: MAC, Routing,Transport, … The system is nonlinear and has delays; the stability of the control system is non-trivial Many examples of instability of routing and transport We review key concepts and results on the stability of systems and we apply them to the transport protocols
Overview of Results Linear System Poles: x(n+1) = ax(n) + u(n) … |a| < 1 bibo Nyquist: feedback system, L(s) = K(s)G(s). Stable if L(j ) does not encircle – 1. (If L(j 0 ) = - 1 – < - 1, then input at 0 blows up.)
Overview of Results Nonlinear system Linearize around equilibrium x 0. If linearized system is stable, then x 0 is locally stable for original system Nonlinear system: Lyapunov Assume V(x(t)) decreases and level curves shrink Then the system is stable
Overview of Results Markov Chain: Lyapunov Let x(t) be an irreducible Markov chain Assume V(x(t)) decreases by at least – < 0, on average, when x(t) is outside of a finite set A Then x(t) is positive recurrent
Overview of Results Functional Differential Equation: Assume V(x(t)) decreases whenever it reaches a maximum value over the last r seconds, then the system is stable…. [Razumikhin]
Linear Systems Laplace Transform
Linear Systems
Linear Systems Example
Linear Systems Observation
Nyquist Slide from a tak by Glenn Vinnicombe
Slide from a tak by Glenn Vinnicombe
Nyquist MIMO Case:
Nyquist Example 1 Closed-Loop is stable
Nyquist Example 2
Nyquist Example 2 … Stable if T < 1.35s
Nyquist and Transport: 1 G. Vinnicombe, “On the stability of end-to-end control for the Internet.”
Nyquist and Transport: 2 F. Paganini, J. Doyle, S. Low, “Scalable Laws for Stable Network Congestion Control,” Proceedings of the 2001 CDC, Orlando,FL, Linearized System: Theorem:
Functional Differential Equations Consider the following nonlinear system with delay: We want a sufficient condition for stability of x(t) = x*. FDE
FDE: Example
Lyapunov Approach:
FDE and Transport Z. Wang and F. Paganini, “Global Stability with Time-Delay in Network Congestion Control.” Recall linearized: Theorem: Nonlinear: Proof: Razumikhin ….