The University aim is to be the first choice provider of skills development, enterprise, innovation, knowledge and support for private, public and voluntary sector organisations of all sizes in our region and more widely in appropriate sectors of the economy University of Portsmouth Strategic Plan
Purple Door is a gateway between the University, its students and the regional business community. This one-stop shop provides an easy to access, single point of contact for all University services.
Purple Door has been created to enhance the economic capacity of our region through: Wealth generation Job creation Community Support
Through Purple Door you can: Access high quality research and consultancy to aid business growth Utilise a wide range of specialist facilities Tap into the skills of our graduates and students Retain and motivate staff through personal development and skills training
Purple Door is also committed to improving the quality of life in the region and developing a sustainable community through: Contributing to a healthy community Supporting community–based regeneration Student community action Cultural Strategy
School of Computing Dr Jim Briggs Director Centre for Healthcare Modelling and Informatics
What does the School of Computing do? Teaching –Full-time courses (on-campus) –Part-time courses (distance learning) –Overseas franchises Research and knowledge transfer –Pure research –Applied research –Consultancy expertise
SoC courses Undergraduate (BSc): –Business Information Systems –Business Information Technology –Computer Science –Computing –Computing and the Information Society –Database Technologies –Digital Forensics –Ecommerce and Internet Systems –Software Engineering Undergraduate (HND): –Computing Postgraduate (MSc): –Artificial Intelligence –E-Learning Technologies –Forensic Information Technology –Information Systems –Internet Systems Development –Software Engineering –Strategic Information Systems
SoC business opportunities 1 Offer a final-year or MSc project idea –Wide range of students available –Something you want rather than need Take a student on sandwich placement –1 year (paid) between their 2 nd and 3 rd years Employ a student –On graduation –Part-time during their course –Vacation work Ask us to put on a tailored short course
SoC research and knowledge transfer Artificial intelligence Centre for Healthcare Modelling and Informatics Human computer interaction Humanities computing –History of Computing Information systems Parallel and distributed systems Technology supported learning
SoC business opportunities 2 Commission a piece of contract R&D –Technology development –Feasibility or scoping studies –Evaluation Collaborate to win joint funding –Research councils / EU –KTP –SEPOC / PoCKeT / … (SEEDA/Finance SE/…) Send an employee to do a PhD
Next steps Come and visit us! –Wednesday 28 th March 2007 –1pm start with lunch –Meet at Purple Door: corner of Guildhall Walk/Winston Churchill Avenue –Move on to Lion Gate to see: SoC students and their project work SoC research groups –5pm approx finish Find out more – –