Mobile Tools for Java Platform The goal of the Mobile Tools for Java project is to extend existing Eclipse frameworks to support mobile device Java application development. MTJ will enable developers to develop, debug and deploy mobile Java applications to emulators and real devices. Scope of the doc: Focus on 1st release (+ potential future features)
Contents Eclipse High-Level Architecture Java Runtime Environments MTJ Ecosystem MTJ high-level layers MTJ Development by Milestone Device fragmentation Pre-processing Automated & manual testing Build management Wizards Runtime Launch Debugging Code Editor Deployment Device Management Signing and Obfuscation Localization Application Flow GUI Editor Backup slides 17.02.2006
Eclipse High-level Architecture Ecosystem Vertical Industry Initiatives Horizontal Technologies Enterprise Domain Internet Domain Desktop Domain Embedded Domain Mobile Domain Technology Enablers Data Management Modeling Tools Embedded & Mobile Tools Web Tools Service Oriented Architecture Java Dev. Tools C/C++ Dev. Tools Test and Performance Business Intelligence & Reporting System Management Frameworks Modeling Frameworks Graphical Frameworks UI Frameworks Tools Platform Workspace Project Model Update Multi-language support Rich Client Platform Runtime Workbench SWT 17.02.2006
Java Runtime Environments Legend Java JRE runtime dependencies Not used Java runtime J&C and MTJ runtime scope Enterprise Desktop High-end devices Low-end devices Smart Cards Optional packages Optional packages Optional packages Optional packages Personal profile J2EE J2SE Foundation profile MIDP Java Card CDC CLDC Java Virtual Machine KVM Card VM Java Micro Edition (J2ME) The MTJ projects focus in Mobile runtimes is in the J2ME area. 17.02.2006
MTJ Ecosystem Eclipse MTJ context Download / Update sites U E I Vendor X SDK JavaDocs API Different vendor products based on Eclipse MTJ Download / Update sites Eclipse MTJ API Sun / IBM (tooling runtime JRE 5.0 / J9 ) API JavaDocs X U E I Vendor Y SDK JavaDocs API A List of JVMS Vendor X (for SDK download) Tooling Runtimes JRE 1.4 .. 5.0, J9 Vendor Y (for SDK download) Operating Systems: Win32, Linux, MAC. Real Device Generic SDK API JavaDocs 17.02.2006
MTJ high-level layers Mobile IDE Components Device Platform Provider Device Description Provider Obfuscation Provider Packaging Provider Signing Provider Device Platform Provider GUI Builder Provider Pre-processing Provider Build Provider Deployment Provider Ant Provider x Mobile IDE Extensibility Framework Layer Runtime Management Build Management Deployment Management Device Management GUI Builder Management Security Management Eclipse Tool Services Visual Editor Web Tools Project GEF Data Tools Multimedia Tools Multi-language support Graphical Modeling Framework BIRT Testing & Profiling Tools Workflow Toolbox Eclipse Modeling Framework EMF Eclipse Platform OSGI SWT Workbench JDT Operating Systems: Win32, Linux, MAC 17.02.2006
MTJ Development by Milestone Mobile SDK Emulator Mobile RAD / IDE GUI builders Wizards Provider Components Game Editor Create Application Code Packaging Build Project Build Other J2ME Nature Obfuscation providers Audio converter Flow Editor Create Class Create Project Deployment Code Editor Signing provider Custom Components Legend 1st Iteration 2nd Iteration 1st Release Future design LCDUI Editor Symbian templates Create UI J2ME project builders Deployment providers Localization eSWT Editor Pre-processing JAD Editor Snippets Runtime launch Xx Editor Desktop Device Packaging Help Debugging Antenna provider Desktop Device IDE Extensible Framework Layer Device Management Framework Build Framework Deployment Framework Runtime Management Framework GUI Builder Framework Security Management Framework Eclipse Platform 17.02.2006
Device fragmentation X X = Different characteristics of devices must be taken into account Physical device characteristics, e.g. display resolution,-size and buttons, processing power and memory Quirks in the OS, API and Java virtual machine implementations Variation comes also from APIs supported by each device Flavours of Symbian (S60, S80, S90) and other mobile OS versions J2ME profiles and configurations CLDC 1.0/1.1 and MIDP 1.0/2.0 Optional APIs for Bluetooth, 3D, Multimedia, Web Services, etc. Proprietary APIs from device manufacturers and operators In addition, there are other operator and market requirements Localisation, branding, billing, etc. New devices and APIs are introduced frequently Huge amount of configurations Varying devices Differing assets Operator requirements X X = 17.02.2006
Device fragmentation, Mobile value chain This diagram represents the major players in the wireless industry. Application- and Content providers have partnered with Network operators to design and develop Java solutions for consumers. Content aggregators license content from it’s creators and format it to be used with specific devices and networks. Content distributors create the revenue by providing the distribution channels. Network operators (carriers) and Infrastructure providers control the wireless network and own the customer information. Device manufactures drive the technical innovation through the new hardware. The application developers and content aggregators needs most tools against the device fragmentation. Application Developers Content aggregators and Distributor End-user / consumer Network operators Retail Infrastructure providers Device manufactures Legend Information exchange Cash flow exchange 17.02.2006
Device fragmentation, pre-processing Definition: Pre-processing changes the source code before it is compiled. It allows conditional compilation and inclusion of one source file into another and is helpful when trying to maintain a single source for several devices, each having its own bugs, add-on APIs, etc. and it enables device optimization. The Eclipse JDT could add support for pre-processing, alternative could be e.g. J2ME Polish, which can be integrated to Eclipse (licensing must be checked) or re-implementing the similar functionality. One key feature is the device description database, that helps to create tasks or actions against similar devices. The device description database enables that developers can identify and group devices with an keyword, that can be used e.g. in pre-processing. Can be seen as one definition 1 Runtime Platform Definition Device Emulator Real Device Platform 1..n Fragmentation Definition 17.02.2006 1
Automated & manual testing Tdb. 17.02.2006
Build management The build environment is heavily relying on Eclipse, but there are plans to support also Ant. One planned extension to Ant is the Antenna –project, which provides a set of Ant tasks suitable for developing wireless Java applications targeted at the J2ME and Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP). The build management enables that the build process can be configured to suit for the active project needs. E.g. what build providers are used as default and how the building process works. The target device management provides data about selectable devices and J2ME platforms (SDK Emulators) and enables that the Runtime Platform Definition. The selected default target Device Platform is then activated to the projects use. 17.02.2006
Wizards Base wizards: Create Project Create Application Code Packaging Create Class The base wizards implement the corresponding Use-Case requirements. One optional scenario may be that Symbian has created an template mechanism (that is in use currently in C++ side in Eclipse), that the MTJ could convert to be used in the Java side. 17.02.2006
Runtime Launch 17.02.2006
Debugging 17.02.2006
Code Editor The MTJ code editor is based on the Eclipse JDT base functionalities. 17.02.2006
Deployment and Runtime management The MTJ provides an Deployment and DevicePlatform frameworks that supports the existing SDK Emulators and phones runtimes The framework publishes a Device Platform -interface, that capsulate (hides) the actual runtime environments and protocols. The framework separates the different vendors products to own plug-ins Eclipse Vendor X SDK Emulator Plug-in SDK / Emulator (Vendor X) MTJ Plug-in Vendor Y SDK Emulator Plug-in SDK / Emulator (Vendor Y) Device Platform Vendor Z SDK Emulator Plug-in SDK / Emulator (Vendor Z) Extension point Vendor X Real Device Plug-in Real Device (Vendor X) Vendor Y Real Device Plug-in Real Device (Vendor Y) 17.02.2006
Runtime Platform Definition Fragmentation Definition Device Management The device management in this scope focuses to enable detecting, visually showing, identifying and visually managing the available mobile devices. There should be ability to group devices with similar configuration based on some criteria. This grouping could be used e.g. in the packaging / building / localization / deployment / branding processes. The device model holds each device and Device Platform 1..n Can be seen as one definition Device Emulator Real 1 Runtime Platform Definition Fragmentation Definition 17.02.2006 1
Signing and Obfuscation MIDP 2.0 (JSR-118) includes enhanced mobile code and application security through a well-defined security manager and provisioning process. During the provisioning the MIDP applications are signed with an certificate, which ensures their security and makes them trustworthy. Trusted MIDlet suites can be granted access to API's without explicit user authorization, and have wider access to device API's. Obfuscation By using an Obfuscator tool, the source code can be made more difficult to reverse-engineer and also there can be some code optimization benefits achieved at the same time. Obfuscation can be done e.g. through an ANT task that activates an Obfuscator tool and it performs the obfuscation against the parameterized source code location. 17.02.2006
Localization Localization (I18N/L18N) is a major issue in the wireless space, where a single app deployed to a single carrier may need to support many languages and character sets. Key requirements: The Localization architecture should be capable of supporting all languages. It should remove the need for application developers to decide which encoding the application will support. The Localization architecture should be aware the UI differences in devices so that the developers won’t have to (e.g. the width and length of a device screen). The localization should enable that the service providers can extend the language supports during the deployment phase. Allow local users to select their preferred languages as provided by the application. There should be visible UI simulation that enable to verify the UI immediately when the users switch the locale. The localization should support at leas two approaches: By creating a resource file (.properties) and adding there the selected source files localizable keys. By enabling such optimization to bind the localization directly to the application. 17.02.2006
Application Flow The Application Flow creates kind a action diagram, where the visible and invisible actions are drawn on a graphical editor. The AF-editor enables that developer can design e.g. mobile application UI flow. 17.02.2006
GUI Editor The Eclipse Visual Editor provides an extensible GUI framework, that can be used in the mobile IDE UI area. Why VE: The VE’s framework provides a lot of extension points to different kind of GUI editors Benefits: The GUI editors would have common base framework and the there is a need to implement only the delta of the different mobile GUI editors Now existing: The base GUI framework. What is needed: The mobile screen engines with UI widgets to LCDUI area. VE doesn’t provide any multimedia services yet. 17.02.2006
More detail presentation about the top technical items Backup slides More detail presentation about the top technical items
Backup slides – Device Fragmentation
Device Platform Device Platform Device 1..n Device Emulator Real Target environments are seen as Device Platforms by the MTJ environment. Device Platform contains one or more Device instances. MTJ plug-in doesn’t know if the Devices are device emulators or real devices because the plug-in extension point API hides all implementation details 17.02.2006
Device Platform, Device Platform Services getDevicePlatforms() : DevicePlatform[] getDevices(String devicePlatformName) : Device[] ... Device Platform Services make it possible to query available Device Platforms. Based on Device Platform name it’s possible to get Devices or the Platform. 17.02.2006
Device fragmentation Device Project APIs APIs Device Management Project DP DP DC DC Project can select smaller set of APIs that the targeted devices are supporting. By selecting smallest possible set of needed APIs, the number of suitable devices is bigger. Although the Project has the default device, the Projects definitions can match to several devices. 17.02.2006
Device fragmentation, Device Services getDevices(DeviceConfiguration dc, DeviceProfile dp, ServiceAPI[] apis) : Device[] ... Device Services make it possible to query Devices that are possible targets to the Project’s application. Project uses it’s own definitions as parameters in the service call. 17.02.2006
Backup slides - Wizards Wizards internal architecture
Wizards architecture [template management]… 17.02.2006
Backup slides - Runtime Launch Runtime Launch internal architecture
Runtime Launch architecture The Runtime Launch architecture uses the Device Platform to enable selection of available Devices. 17.02.2006
Runtime Platform Device Runtime Platform Definition JVM Impl. 1 1 1..n 1 Device Configuration DC Device Profile DP Service API API Device instance defines the Runtime Platform Definitions that it’s capable to run on. Runtime Platform consists of Device Configuration, Device Profile, Service APIs and JVM Implementation. Device Configuration defines used configuration (i.e. CDC or CLDC) and it’s version. Device Profile defines used profile (i.e. MIDP) and it’s version. Service APIs are either APIs that are defined in Device Profile or API of optional Services that the Device’s OS is supporting. Runtime Platform Definition is always based on defined Mobile SDK JVM Implementation. 17.02.2006
Runtime Platform (cont.) JVM Impl Service API API Library Jar Library Jar 1 1 Service API –object contains the standardize service name and it’s version, i.e. WMA 1.1, MMAPI 1.1 or Location API 1.0 . Service API has also reference to JAR Library that implements the API. Also Mobile SDK JVM Impl –object contains the JVM name and it’s version and reference to JAR Library that implements the JVM specification that is defined by the Runtime Platform’s Device Configuration Specification. 17.02.2006
Runtime Platform, Device Services getRuntimePlatforms(String devicePlatformName, String deviceName) : RuntimePlatformDefinition[] ... Device Services make it possible to query Runtime Platforms of a Device. 17.02.2006
Backup slides - Debugging Debugging internal architecture
Debugging architecture … 17.02.2006
Backup slides - Device Management Device Management internal architecture
Device Management architecture Device Platform Device Management architecture Mobile Project 1..n 1..n Extended device definition Device Emulator Real 1 Runtime Platform Definition Fragmentation Definition 1 Each Mobile project may select the targeted devices, that the project is supporting. Mobile Project contains one or more Device Platforms, thus there is only one default mobile SDK active. The Device Platform and Device instances definition is stored inside the EMF based Device model and the with extendable persistence component the definition is shared with in several projects. The Runtime Platform Definition data is also stored and shared among projects and the Fragmentation Definition can enhance the task to find compatible device groups. Also the pre-processing can use this to provide and define the device grouping inside the JDT. 17.02.2006
Device Management Device Description Provider Device Platform Provider Device Management << extension point >> << extension point >> << extension point >> Device Management Implementation Device Platform Device Description Implementation << extends> > << extends> > << extends> > Device Platform Device Description Implementation Device Platform Target environments are seen as Device Platforms by the MTJ environment. Device Platform contains one or more Device instances. MTJ plug-in doesn’t know if the Devices are device emulators or real devices because the plug-in extension point API hides all implementation details Device instance defines the Runtime Platform that it’s capable to run on. The Device Management uses Device Platform and Device Description information. The deeper interaction and dependency is described in the following two slides 17.02.2006
Device Management control flow Device Management Implementation MTJ Core Plug-in 3: getImplementations(“Device Platform”) return: DevicePlatformProvider [ ] Out 2: getDevices(devicePlatformName) 1: getImplementations(“Device Management”) return: DeviceManagement [ ] Device Platform 4: getDevices() return: Device [ ] 5: getImplementations(“Device Description”) return: DeviceDescriptionProvider [ ] Device Description Impl. 6: getDeviceDescription( String vendor, String model) return: DeviceDescription 17.02.2006
Device Platform, Device Platform Services getDevicePlatforms() : DevicePlatform[] getDevices(String devicePlatformName) : Device[] ... Device Platform Services make it possible to query available Device Platforms. Based on Device Platform name it’s possible to get Devices or the Platform. 17.02.2006
Device Platform 17.02.2006
Device 17.02.2006
Runtime Platform 17.02.2006
Project 17.02.2006
Code Editor internal architecture
Code Editor architecture tbd 17.02.2006
Project Project Device LEGEND: Device Project APIs APIs Project’s defined Device Configuration Project’s defined Device Profile Service APIs that are selected to the Project Device’s Device Configuration Device’s Device Profile Service APIs that are supported by the Device DC DP DP DP Library Jar Library Jar DC DC APIs 1 1..n DC DP 1 1 APIs Mobile SDK Emulator Mobile Project development is targeted to devices that have certain Device Configuration and Device Profile. Therefore MTJ’s Project has also Device Configuration and Device Profile defined. It’s possible to select a set of Service APIs to the Project. Based on the selected set of APIs corresponding Jar –libraries are added to the project. Project always has default device that matches to the Projects definitions. That default device also gives the needed Jar –libraries to the Project. 17.02.2006
Backup slides - Deployment Deployment Framework internal architecture
Deployment framework architecture LEGEND: MTJ Editor context Deployment context Existing SDK / Emulators Existing emulator integrations Deployment Interface Eclipse Plug-in Extension point New, open deployment plug-in, OBEX based Mobile Devices Existing native deployment SDK / Emulator (Vendor X) MTJ IDE environment U E I U E I X X SDK / Emulator context (Nokia, Win32 OS) Deployment Framework Z U E I Interface S40 Interface O T A Extension point X S60 O B E X Real Device The MTJ provides an Deployment framework that supports the existing SDK Emulators and phones runtimes. The framework publishes an deployment interface, that capsulate (hides) the actual runtime environments and protocols. The framework separates the different deployment low-level services to own components (like UEI, OTA, etc.) with supporting existing proprietary emulator and phone access (marked as X and Z). It also provides a new development branch to the OBEX based deployment, which can be used e.g. towards to MAC OS environment. Thus this requires that the needed protocols / protocol wrappers are available. 17.02.2006
Mobile Vendor specific view Eclipse Vendor X SDK Emulator Plug-in SDK / Emulator (Vendor X) MTJ Plug-in Vendor Y SDK Emulator Plug-in SDK / Emulator (Vendor Y) Device Platform Vendor Z SDK Emulator Plug-in SDK / Emulator (Vendor Z) Extension point Vendor X Real Device Plug-in Real Device (Vendor X) Vendor Y Real Device Plug-in Real Device (Vendor Y) The MTJ provides an Deployment framework that supports the existing SDK Emulators and phones runtimes The framework publishes a Device Platform -interface, that capsulate (hides) the actual runtime environments and protocols. The framework separates the different vendors products to own plug-ins 17.02.2006
Mobile vendor specific view details Different mobile vendors can use their existing emulators and add the deployment (emulator) specific plug-in to the MTJ environment. The emulator specific plug-in may be even in binary format, if it needs to protect some internal implementation or specification. The emulator specific plug-in uses the MTJ generic API and also contributes to the MTJ’s deployment frameworks extension point. The deployment framework could provide an template from such plug-in that helps to other vendors to tie up their specific solutions. The deployment framework supports also that the emulator is discovered by manual entering the location. There could be a dynamic plug-in, that ‘ties’ the discovered emulator to the deployment framework. The deployment framework can provide also other extension points, that enables others to extend e.g. the emulator specific properties, UI’s etc. The deployment framework provides a plug-in template for existing emulators, which can dynamically be attached to wrap the specific emulator. 17.02.2006
Deployment framework plug-ins MTJ plug-in wrapper Mobile vendors devices Device Platform plug-ins have several different implementations Device Platform plug-ins are responsible of the communication protocols between MTJ environment and Emulators / Real Devices The plug-ins also store all config data. F. ex. Emulator plug-in stores the Emulator SDK root directory itself UEI = Unified Emulator Interface XEI = Extended Emulator Interface (Nokia proprietary) X = Proprietary Emulator Interface Vendor X SDK Emulator Plug-in U E I U E I SDK / Emulator (Vendor X) Vendor Y SDK Emulator Plug-in X E I X E I SDK / Emulator (Vendor Y) Vendor Z SDK Emulator Plug-in X X SDK / Emulator (Vendor Z) Vendor X Real Device Plug-in O B E X Real Device (Vendor X) Vendor Y Real Device Plug-in HTTP/FTP service Real Device (Vendor Y) O T A Vendor Z Real Device Plug-in Real Device (Vendor Z) FTP HTTP/FTP service O T A FTP 17.02.2006
Deployment framework design Integrating to the existing SDK Emulators: Deployment framework Enables adding a new SDK Emulator by manually entering the location or by local hard drive browsing (typical case for existing emulators). Hides the used targeted runtime environments behind a few deployment interfaces Simplifies the deployment process against the device / emulator variation Generalizes the deployment management by encapsulating the SDK Emulator dependencies to a separate plug-ins, thus enabling it to publish it’s own specific functionality. Integrating to new SDK Emulators, which do have a specific plug-in: If the SDK Emulator has own deployment plug-in and the plug-in does follow the Deployment framework extension rules, it’s automatically instantiated Deployment framework instantiates Deployment component and calls its methods via deployment interface Deployment component plug-in Implements the Deployment frameworks interface Contributes to the Deployment frameworks extension point May also extend some SDK Emulator specific services to the Deployment framework 17.02.2006
Deployment framework Model Device Platform Deployment framework Model Device Runtime Platform Definition 1..n Emulator Device Real Device 1 Target environments are seen as Device Platforms by the MTJ environment. Device Platform contains one or more Device instances. MTJ plug-in doesn’t know if the Devices are device emulators or real devices because the plug-in extension point API hides all implementation details. Device instance defines the Runtime Platform that it’s capable to run on. 17.02.2006
Deployment framework Model (cont.) i/f MIDlet Deployment CDC Deployment MEGlet Deployment Resource Deployment Deployment interface is generic representation of a entity that is send from MTJ environment to Device Platform instances. Realization of a deployment can be MIDlet, CDC, MEGlet or Resource deployment (or something else). So the realization is created from source application definitions and f. ex. MIDlet project deployment consists of Application JAR and JAD files. Target Device Platform knows, what’s inside the received deployment and how to handle it. 17.02.2006
Signing and Obfuscation Signing and Obfuscating internal architecture
Signing architecture There is a SecurityManager, that manages the keys and certificates in the IDE environment globally. Each project can configure the signing options and parameters against the actual needs. The Signing Provider implements the actual signing and it can be used through e.g. the Ant scripts. 17.02.2006
Obfuscating architecture It is a well known fact that Java Class (bytecode) files can be easily reverse-engineered because Java compiler leaves a lot of such information into bytecode that helps the reverse-engineering task. Code obfuscation is one protection tool for Java code to prevent reverse engineering. Code obfuscation makes programs more difficult to understand, so that it is more resistant to reverse engineering. Obfuscation techniques fall into three groups: Layout Obfuscations Layout Obfuscations modify the layout structure of the program by two basic methods: renaming identifiers and removing debugging information. Almost all Java obfuscators contain this technique. Control Obfuscations Control Obfuscations change the control flow of the program. Data Obfuscations Data Obfuscations break the data structures used in the program and encrypt literal. The MTJ enables to use existing Obfuscator -products through an wrapper plug-in (Obfuscation Provider), that can be further tailored. 17.02.2006
Mobile Visual Editor architecture Backup slides - GUI Mobile Visual Editor architecture
Visual IDE environment in general The RAD IDE environment is having some clear elements, like the core IDE graphical and code editor, property sheet and outline viewer for IDE environment objects. Also the graphical editor uses the screen engine for creating the actual graphical UI presentation (like WYSIWYG). Also the mobile emulators / SDKs’ are providing the ability to launch the applications. Eclipse Platform IDE Screen Engine Graphical Editor Code / Resource Editor UI, WYSIWYG Property Sheet Outline Viewer Launcher / Emulator Source code, resource files, etc. Trace, profile, debug Source files 17.02.2006
VE Internal Component Architecture Eclipse Platform The Eclipse Visual Editor framework provides a flexible GUI framework, which can be quite easily extended to e.g. mobile domain. The current desktop version supports JFC and SWT GUI editors with full set of UI widgets. The actual screen rendering is done in separate rendering engine. Internally VE uses EMF in CDE and models the Java source in JEM. Eclipse Visual Editor Framework JFC Editor SWT Editor Local or Remote Java VM Target VM BeanInfo VM Java core Java Element Model (JEM) Common Diagram Model (CDE) Java Code Generation Adapter GEF EMF Java source files 17.02.2006
Mobile Visual Editor GUI Components Legend Existing in Eclipse MTJ project scope Eclipse MTJ IDE MTJ Screen Engine Mobile CLDC proxy components Mobile eSWT proxy components Custom Mobile proxy components MTJ CDLC UI components CDLC UI base Look & Feel Custom UI Components Custom UI Look & Feel MTJ eSWT UI components MTJ eSWT UI components Custom UI Components Custom UI Look & Feel Custom UI components Custom UI Look & Feel Eclipse VE MTJ Mobile Extension GEF EditorPart UI VE Model CLDC Screen Rendering Engine eSWT Screen Rendering Engine Custom Screen Rendering Engine Screen Rendering API BeanProxy Adapter Common Screen Rendering Engine Screen Rendering Context Screen Rendering API BeanInfo Adapter Eclipse Platform 17.02.2006
Backup slides – Milestone Plan
MTJ Milestone Plan tbd 17.02.2006