“Worldview of Pro and Anti-Abortion Activists” Kristen Luker
Clashing Worldviews Abortion: Clashing Worldviews (134) Each side of the AB debate has a relatively coherent world view
Pro-Life Views of the World (135) Men and Women: Fundamentally Different PL believe men and women fundamantally that is rooted in nature of God’s divine plan. Men: best suited for public world of work, Women: best suited for rearing children, should prioritize being wife and mother, before career. Working Women are damaging their families.
View of Abortion PL: Abortion is Wrong for Three (3) Reasons: (136) 1) Takes life and what makes Women special. 2) It is wrong to give Women control over their own fertility. 3) Promotes a worldview that degrades traditional gender roles.
Gender Roles and Abortion Feminism: Attacks natural order, desires to make Women into Men In this way abortion challenges natural order, and challenge male decision- making power.
Pro-Life View of Sex Sex: PL value Procreative over Amative Amative: pleasure and mutual enjoyment Procreative: goal is procreation Sex is sacred from a pro-life perspective.
Pro-Life View of Family Parenting: Put Children Before Career (139) PL: Feel Discriminating Against for Family Size There is anti-child sentiment in modern society. You should not over plan your family size.
Premarital Sex Teens and Premarital Sex (141) T and Sexual Activity: 3 Decisions Beyond Parental Control (141) 1) Abortion 2) VD treatment 3) contraception
Pro-Life World-View PL: Stable Moral Universe: Based on Divine Plan (142) Worldviews: Pro Choice and Pro-Life (143) Pro-Life: centers on a belief in God, and faith, human limits Pro-Choice: centers on a belief in reason, human capacity, protestant work ethic