CAN THE TEENAGERS OF ISRAEL AND PALESTINE TODAY RECOVER FROM THE VIOLENCE THEY HAVE FACED ALL THEIR LIVES? I think that the teenagers of Israel and Palestine can recover from the violence they have faced all their lives. The peace solution won’t be easy because of too much history of them in the conflict. They won’t be able to recover it right now, but someday, they will be able to make peace, by the support of people who wants peace and hates the violence.
THE HISTORY OF THE CONFLICT BETWEEN PALESTINE AND ISRAEL This conflict has been started the occupation of land of Palestine by the Jewish people. When Israel got their own land 1948, Palestine insists that the land belonged to them because they have lived there for 2000years. Many violence happens, between each other ever since the border lines being drawn.
COMMUNICATION WITH ISRAEL AND PALESTINE For the first time, the most important thing is to sincerely communicate with Israel and Palestine. They must understand each other about their own religion and values. The politicians of Israel and Palestine should try to make a peace solution for the real lives of people, not for the parties’ interests.
THE U.N AND OTHER COUNTRIES TRY TO SUPPORT THE TWO-STATE SOLUTION The U.N. made a two-state solution( Palestine and an Israeli state living side by side) for Palestine and Israel The Jewish, Palestine, and U.N. set up a rule i n order to protect their people and to mainta in the border line.
IS PEACE BETWEEN ISRAEL AND PALESTINE POSSIBLE? Viewpoints: Viewpoint 1-”Israel and Palestine are pretty much known for their hatred to each other. It’s almost like a never-ending feud between the two. However, something can be done to stop this. I would take a lot of will, but one of the countries has to step up and finally say that it is enough.” Viewpoint 2-”Yes, I think that peace between Israel and Palestine is possible. Even though they have a lot of problems, if everyone actually tried and they worked something out that would benefit both sides, it would work. I thing if they did sort out their problems it would take anywhere from a year to 10 years, and it would take a lot of effort. It has been attempted to make Israel and Palestine into two different states.” Both viewpoints have announced that there is a possibility towards peace between Palestine and Israel. They just need effort and pull out all of the problems like a jigsaw puzzle and try to fit the pieces back together. There is always feasibility to every problem.
HABIBI: HOW ONE PERSON CAN MAKE CHANGE AND SOME RELATED INFO. While Liyana went to Bassam’s spice shop, Bassam thought Liyana was Jewish, and said “Why do you bother with this animal?” which made Liyana very mad.-on pg. 95 When the archaeologist asked Rafik if he liked living in Palestine. Rafik at first didn’t like living in Palestine, but later on he enjoys it than he expected. At first you may dislike it, but it will change to make you like it as time passes.-on pg.99
RELATING FACTS OF THE BOOK HABIBI TO THE CONFLICT Later on, Liyana’s friendship gets to be a conflict like Palestine and Israel, since Omar, Liyana’s friend, is Jewish. Like Liyana and Omar are understanding each other even though they are some how enemies. This tells us a possibility to peace between Palestine and Israel.
CONCLUDING THE PRESENTATION… Even though there is a long history of conflict, someday this conflict will recover. They have to change them selves like Rafik in the novel called Habibi. Though the U.N. and other countries are helping, the most important thing is try to help each other out to end this long conflict, and understand each other’s value. THE END :]
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