Technical Coordinator’s Report (KL for PD) Solenoid problems & Schedule Actions on –KL/CN: plan for work to December shutdown –KL/CN: plan for work in.


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Presentation transcript:

Technical Coordinator’s Report (KL for PD) Solenoid problems & Schedule Actions on –KL/CN: plan for work to December shutdown –KL/CN: plan for work in December– January shutdown –(including consequence of removal of D2 if installation takes place before august*) –KL: plan for detector testing: 1) on plinth 2) or if* in hall –TB: plan for solenoid & cryo installation (Linde) –MZ: beam rates w/out solenoid or Q4… TB+ will meet weekly to work out plan

Installation meeting to meet monthly –In person if possible, phone if not –Coordination of detector cabling needs IM: important job; PK: detector cabling needs –Note/action taker needed DAQ&C workshop – July: 23 – 25 –Review in October Beam line review in August Phase II C&S review –Close at CM19