1 As Class Convenes u Get your IE2 assignments from the team folder at the desk and sign in u Find a Table with experts in your area of expertise (no more than 4 experts per table) u Introduce yourself to your fellow expert colleagues
2 Quiz on Chapter 1 Planning The Quiz
3 Learning Objectives u Achieve knowledge about planning communication documents u Achieve knowledge of what is expected for the Design Tutorial u Develop tutorial outline
Planning Communications Planning Strategies Rhetorical Issues Research Plan for Tutorial
5 Writing Process Planning Drafting Revising
6 Planning Strategies u Begin as soon as possible— start planning as soon as you receive assignment u Begin major writing assignments (lab reports, project documents) before you finish project
7 Planning Strategies Con’t u Use Time Management u Note deadlines and decide –When to do research –How long will draft take –Whether peer or client reviewed –How long to review, revise, format –How much time to deliver final
8 Planning Strategies Con’t u Allow 15-20% of total time for unexpected delays u Create a timeline or Gantt Chart for large projects especially team projects –Provides graphic representation –Lets you see how various elements are sequenced and how they overlap each other
9 Planning Strategies Con’t u Deal with Procrastination u Poor time management major problem for engineers u Manage your time to allow for revising and editing
10 Rhetorical Issues u Quick Strategy on: u Purpose u Audience u Tone u Writing Techniques
11 Purpose: What is my Goal? u Need to Answer 2 questions u What is my basic message? –Basic facts to present—research? u What is my purpose? –What do you want to have happen as result of communication? –Persuasive or informative?
12 Audience: Audience Analysis u Who will read this document? –Primary? –Secondary? u Why do they need the document? –What will they do with or because of document? –What are their job functions?
13 Audience Analysis Con’t u How much do they know about the topic? u What is their level of expertise & experience? –Basic terms & concepts? –Ongoing project—do they know history? –Determine how much background to include.
14 Audience Analysis Con’t u What are their beliefs about the topic? –How important to their job responsibilities? –Is topic complicated by legal or personnel implications? –Coverage of aspects depends on how they regard topic.
15 Audience Analysis Con’t u What do they need from the Document? u Readers need different things –Details?Basic Facts? –Specific Agenda? How Much does it cost?
16 Create at Matrix or Grid u Who will read? u What are job functions? u What are levels of expertise? u What do they need? u What is bottom line? u What are biases or prejudgments? u What conditions will they read document? u What other documents are they familiar with?
17 Tone: Determine Tone before Drafting u Critical issue to address—what tone do you want to convey? u Formal/Informal u Impersonal/Personal u Angry/Apologetic u Authority on subject/ Willing to negotiate
18 to Professor McNeill u I just finished another one of your useless assignments. I have now been attempting to put it in the drop box for 2 hours. Once again your directions are totally incorrect which will make my assignment late again. I insist that you have no justification for marking my assignment late because of your ineptness!
19 Research u There are several kinds of research you could do in industry –solve a problem—traditional--similar to school. –understand a product—gather material to understand product before writing document
20 Type of Research u What is Primary Research? u Secondary? u What do you do first?
21 Research Process u Create A Research Outline u Brainstorm about topic –Consider audience –List in random order u Gather data
22 Systematic Approach to Research u Define problem clearly u Brainstorm ideas—remember audience—eliminate unnecessary topics u Cluster ideas into categories—several visual methods—branching, ballooning or clustering
23 Document Specification u Identification of the document u Table of contents u Audience analysis u Writer’s requirements u Constraints u Production information u Schedule with milestones
24 IE3 What Is Submitted Context (personal Tone) Reflect (personal Tone) Tutorial IE3 Checklist Planning Beginning MiddleEnd
25 The Tutorial – Some Thoughts u It is an informal oral presentation u Try to present extemporaneously, i.e., don’t read word for word from a script u Presentation needs a sandwich structure (an old oral presentation heuristic: tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them) u I’ll assess what is turned in not what is actually said (I will deduce what you said from materials supplied)
26 In-Class Assignment u Work on the planning documentation for your tutorial assignment u Use planning sheet or make up your own documentation u Interview each of your audience members before completing tutorial plan u Attach your planning documentation to your tutorial when you turn it in.
27 Class Activities u Discuss assessment of IE2 10 min u Discuss Tutorial Checklist5 min u Discuss Notebook Checklist5 min u Plan Tutorial 30 min If you have questions that the expert group cannot answer ask the instructors
28 In-Class Assignment Con’t u Attach your planning documentation to your tutorial when you turn it in.