Sarah Gallagher (UCLA) January 2007 Stratified Quasar Winds Revealed (Urry & Padovani 1995)


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Presentation transcript:

Sarah Gallagher (UCLA) January 2007 Stratified Quasar Winds Revealed (Urry & Padovani 1995)

The Quasar Epoch: z=2-3 (Richards et al. 2006a; Nagamine et al. 2006)

Normal Quasar Ly  CIV  MgII H  H 

v outflow ~ ( )c Broad Absorption Lines (P Cygni profiles) Quasars with Outflows: BAL Quasars Ly  /NV SiIV CIV

`torus’ 1-10 pc `big blue bump’ lt days `corona’~AUs NASA/CXC Infrared Optical-UV X-ray Infrared Optical-UV X-ray

A Model for All Radio-Quiet Quasars (Gallagher et al. 2002a: Adapted from Königl & Kartje 1994; Murray et al. 1995) X-ray continuum source ~light hrs ( cm) UV/optical continuum source ~light hrs-days (10 16 cm) UV emission lines ~light yr (10 17 cm)

Two Views Through the Wind UV X-ray shieldinggas BAL Wind Does it exist? Broad Absorption Line (BAL) Quasars

X-ray Properties of Quasars  ox = log (f 2 keV / f 2500 Å ) 2 keV 2500 Å (Laor et al. 1997) (Laor et al. 1997)

fainter in X-rays 228 SDSS Quasars with ROSAT (Strateva et al. 2005) UV Luminosity vs.  ox brighter in X-rays Define:  ox  ox  ox (L uv )  ox =  ox -  ox (L uv ) log(L uv ) (ergs s -1 Hz -1 )

BAL Quasars 55 BQS Quasars with z<0.5 (Data from Brandt, Laor, & Wills 2000)  ox X-ray weak (400x) X-ray normal Bright Quasar Survey z<0.5 Sample

 = 2 X-ray Absorption by Neutral Gas N H = (assuming solar metallicity) almost optically thick to Compton scattering

PG (z=0.466): First BAL Quasar X-ray Spectra  = 1.97±0.25; N H ~ cm -2  = 1.97±0.25; N H ~ cm -2 (Gallagher et al. 2001)

X-ray Spectroscopy of ~12 RQ BAL Quasars normal underlying X-ray continua normal underlying X-ray continua significant intrinsic absorption significant intrinsic absorption N H = ( ) x cm -2N H = ( ) x cm -2 from >5 keV continuum: from >5 keV continuum: normal  ox (UV/X-ray flux ratio)normal  ox (UV/X-ray flux ratio) not just simple absorption not just simple absorption partial coverage and/or ionized gaspartial coverage and/or ionized gas (e.g., Gallagher et al. 2002b; Chartas et al. 2002, 2003; Aldcroft & Green 2003; Grupe et al. 2003; Page et al. 2005; Shemmer et al. 2005)

PG Revisited: Dramatic Spectral Variability PG : ASCA Oct 1999; Chandra Sep 2002 PG : ASCA Oct 1999; Chandra Sep 2002 (Gallagher et al., 2004)

PG Revisited: Comparison of Models (Gallagher et al. 2004) FeK 

Major Change  Increased N H Chandra ASCA + + Partial-covering absorber model

Little Variability in UV BALs Observed Wavelength (Å) f  (erg cm 2 s 1 Å) O VI

Chandra BAL Quasar Survey 35 luminous BAL quasars 35 luminous BAL quasars z = 1.4—2.9 z = 1.4—2.9 M B ~ to M B ~ to UV spectra for all (from literature) UV spectra for all (from literature) 4—7 ks exploratory observations 4—7 ks exploratory observations 35 observed; 27 detected (77%) 35 observed; 27 detected (77%) Large, well-defined sample (Gallagher et al. 2006) Collaborators: Niel Brandt, George Chartas, Gordon Garmire (Penn State), Robert Priddey (Hertfordshire), & Rita Sambruna (Goddard)

Rough continuum shape:  HR Rough continuum shape:  HR from hardness ratio: (hard-soft)/(hard+soft)from hardness ratio: (hard-soft)/(hard+soft) (analogous to B-V  spectral index) (analogous to B-V  spectral index) Relative UV-to-X-ray power:   ox Relative UV-to-X-ray power:   ox Exploratory Surveys: X-ray Data

Spectral Shape vs. X-ray Weakness: X-ray Faint  X-ray Hard Fainter Harder (more absorbed) Softer (less absorbed) Brighter  ox All RQ BAL quasars show evidence for X-ray absorption (complex with N H ~ (1—80)x10 22 cm -2 ) % covered normal RQ quasars:  = 2.0 ± 0.25  ox = 0.0 ± 0.15

BAL Quasars 55 BQS Quasars with z<0.5 (Data from Brandt, Laor, & Wills 2000)  ox X-ray weak (400x) X-ray normal Bright Quasar Survey z<0.5 Sample

 ox BQS + Chandra BAL Quasars Chandra BALQs No correlation for BAL quasars.

UV Spectra: X-ray Bright vs. X-ray Weak CIV SiIV X-ray BRIGHT X-ray FAINT

v max vs.  ox  ox High velocity appears to require large N H. e~1e~1e~1e~1

(Gallagher et al. 2006) Conclusions I: X-ray Observations compact & thick ‘X-ray—only’ absorbers compact & thick ‘X-ray—only’ absorbers X-ray & UV absorption not consistentX-ray & UV absorption not consistent N H and variability properties N H and variability properties some may be Compton-thick!some may be Compton-thick! ( e ~ 1; N H ~1.5x10 24 cm 2 ) ( e ~ 1; N H ~1.5x10 24 cm 2 )

X-ray and UV Continua Emitting Regions Are Not Cospatial Implied by Compton-thick X-ray absorption. Implied by Compton-thick X-ray absorption. Consistent with results from gravitational micro-lensing. Consistent with results from gravitational micro-lensing. (Kochanek et al. 2006)

(Gallagher et al. 2006) Conclusions I: X-ray Observations compact & thick ‘X-ray—only’ absorbers compact & thick ‘X-ray—only’ absorbers X-ray & UV absorption not consistentX-ray & UV absorption not consistent some may be Compton-thick!some may be Compton-thick! ( e ~ 1; N H ~1.5x10 24 cm 2 ) ( e ~ 1; N H ~1.5x10 24 cm 2 ) likely correlation of v max &  ox likely correlation of v max &  ox first UV/X-ray correlation foundfirst UV/X-ray correlation found  supports radiative driving of UV outflows

v term ~ (GM BH /R launch ) 1/2 Link Between Shielding Gas and v max smaller R launch  higher v term larger R launch  lower v term thicker shield  more X-ray weak thinner shield  less X-ray weak (cf. Chelouche & Netzer 2000; Everett 2005) (Gallagher et al. 2006; Gallagher & Everett 2007)

`torus’ 1-10 pc `big blue bump’ <1 pc `corona’~AUs NASA/CXC IR Opt-UV X-ray IR Opt-UV X-ray disk wind from here

The Dusty Outflow (Adapted from Königl & Kartje 1994) The inner radius of the dusty outflow is set by the temperature at which dust sublimates: r=1.3(L uv /10 46 ) ½ (T/1500) -2.8 pc r=1.3(L uv /10 46 ) ½ (T/1500) -2.8 pc

Sample SEDs of Non-BAL Quasars mid-infrared optical spectral indices (L  ~  ): ,ir ,opt 8  m 5000 Å

IR-Luminous Quasars Typically Have Steeper Spectral Slopes (Gallagher et al., submitted)

IR-Luminous Quasars Show Spectral Curvature

Sample ‘Hot Bump’ (& Mazzalay 2006) ( Rodríguez-Ardila & Mazzalay 2006) 1200 K black body  (Å) F  (erg s -1 cm -2 Hz -1 )

Changing Shape of Dusty Outflow? More Luminous Less Luminous

silicates BAL Quasar IRS Spectra (Gallagher et al. in prep; see also Shi et al. 2006)

(Urry & Padovani 1995) Clouds and a Torus

Multiwavelength Synthesis: The Stratified Wind Picture

Physical Parameters of the Stratified Wind WindComponentR(cm) f cov  (erg cm) N H (cm -2 ) v(km/s) X-ray >f UV ~100 (O VII /O VIII ) ??? Ultraviolet (R BLR ) 0.2(1-f QSO2 ) ~1 (C IV/ O VI ) Mid-IR>1pc f QSO2 neutral

Stratified Wind Driving Mechanisms UV BAL wind UV BAL wind Radiation pressure on UV resonance linesRadiation pressure on UV resonance lines Dusty Outflow Dusty Outflow Radiation pressure on dustRadiation pressure on dust Shielding Gas Shielding Gas Continuum radiation pressure Continuum radiation pressure Magneto-hydrodynamic driving?Magneto-hydrodynamic driving?

Future Work 1. Accepted Spitzer Cycle 3 theory project. Illuminating the Dusty Wind: 3D Modeling of Quasar Silicate Emission Illuminating the Dusty Wind: 3D Modeling of Quasar Silicate Emission Collaborators: John Everett (Wisconsin) & Dean Hines (SSC) Collaborators: John Everett (Wisconsin) & Dean Hines (SSC) 2. Chandra follow-up of v max vs.  ox correlation. 3. Suzaku (10-30 keV) follow-up of nearby Compton-thick BAL quasars. 4. Long term: Constellation-X spectroscopy of X-ray outflows in absorption.

Resolving the Shielding Gas with Constellation-X Model: Two component outflow with different ionization states, velocities, and velocity dispersions. (Flux matches BAL quasar PG )