Seedless in Seattle
Occupying the Land Alternation of generations –Bryophytes – gametophyte dominant Emphasizes the water requirement for fertilization –Tracheophytes – sporophyte dominant De-emphasizes the water requirement Xylem & phloem help meet H 2 0 req. Lignin strengthens cell walls –Good for H 2 0 transport –Good for erect posture
Occupying the Land Apical meristems in sporophyte of Tracheophytes allows profuse branching –Bryophytes often have sub-apical growth in sporophyte Differentiation of plant body of tracheophytes –Roots, stems, leaves Seeds a key adaptation
Organization of tracheophyte body Vascular cylinder –Protostele –Siphonostele w/ no leaf gaps –Siphonotele w/ leaf gaps –Eustele w/ leaf trace gaps Leaves –Microphylls –Macrophylls Homospory vs. Heterospory –Homosporous – one type of spore produced by meiosis –Heterosporous – two types of spores produced by meiosis
Tracheal elements in “evolutionary” order…
Organization of vascular tissue in “evolutionary” order
Phyla of seedless vascular plants Rhyniophytes – mid-Silurian to mid- Devonian (425 – 380 mya) Zosterophyllophyta – Early to late Devonian (408 – 370 mya) Lycophyta – Devonian to present Trimerophytophyta – Devonian (395 – 375 mya) Psilophyta – no fossil record! Sphenophyta – Devonian to present Pterophyta – Carboniferous (362 mya) to present
Rhyniophyta Earliest known vascular plants –Cooksonia Single, dichotomously branching Terminal sporangia Internal stem structure –Epidermis, cortex, phloem-like cells, and water transporting cells intermediate between mosses and ferns May have had alternation of isomorphic generations Agalophyton major may be “Prototracheophyte
Agalophyton major
Cooksonia Rhyniophyta
Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii
Rhynia stem cross-section
Zosterophyllophyta Also leafless, dichotomously branching Only upper sections of stems contain stomates Sporangia borne on lateral stalks Xylem centripetally differentiated –First to mature at edge of protostele, last to mature in center Probable ancestor of lycophytes
Zosterophyllophyta Sawdonia
Trimerophytophyta “Trashcan phylum” No leaves Complex branching Probably much bigger than rhyniophytes or zosters Xylem differentiated centrifugally – Like Rhyniophytes Ancestors of ferns & progymnosperms
Trimerophytophyta Pertica
Trimerophytophyta Psilophyton
Lycophyta Possess microphylls Protostele in stem & root Homosporous in some, Heterosporous in others (resurrection fern, quillwort) Sporophylls – leaves that bear sporangia May have cones (strobili) Gametophytes bisexual Quillworts may not get carbon from atmosphere! –CAM photosynthesis –Secondary growth
Psilophyta No roots or leaves! Current molecular evidence leads most botanists to believe these are “degenerate” ferns Morphology led botanists to believe these were relicts –Still useful in envisioning what ecological role a plant such as Cooksonia might have played Gametophyte heterotrophic – depends on mycorrhizae
Sphenophyta Ancient forms were trees – like the Calamites shown below Whorled microphylls at nodes Epidermis strengthened with silica – “scouring rush” Stem complex –Siphonstele –“Vascular bundles” centered on carinal canal Homosporous –Gametophyte bisexual or male, green