Analysis of high magnification events on Q A Juan González-Cadelo, Rodrigo Gil-Merino & Luis J. Goicoechea (University of Cantabria)
1’’ z LENS = 0.04 z SOURCE = 1.7
Observational data OGLE collaborationGLITP collaboration
Caustic crossing microlensing event? New information about parameters and models RESULTS International proyects OBSERVATIONAL DATA ANALYSIS SIMULATIONS Models Cosmology GL Theory
Observational data
Mixture of data I (OGLE+GLITP) Re-reduction of OGLE
Mixture of data II (OGLE+GLITP) Fit by minimization of 2
Microlensing modelization
Parameters & models I Cosmological model Friedman-Lemaitre’s Universe
Parameters & models II Lens plane model Mass of microlensesTransversal velocity of microlenses
Parameters & Models III Source plane model Geometry of the sourcecircular Intensity of source Uniform disk Standar accretion disk Gaussian disk
Uniform disk
Gaussian disk
Standar accretion disk
Observations Vs Simulations Test 2 Test
Results I: Best parameters Parametrization Trayectories with 1 % of trayectories with sts0236 % sts0112 % sts0236 % sts % sts % stm0159 % sts0212 %
Results II: Best source model SOURCE MODEL (intensity+size) Trayectories with 1 % of trayectories with 1 Standar accretion disk small 4991 % Standar accretion disk medium 59 %
Results III: Best microlenses model MICROLENS MODEL (velocity+mass) Trayectories with 1 % of trayectories with 1 36 % 47 % 1426 % 2750 % 611 %
Results IV: Caustic crossing? Parametrization Trayectories with 1 Number of caustic crossing events % of caustic crossing events for that parametrization sts % sts % sts % sts % sts % stm % sts %
Future steps New observational data New magnification patterns New parametrizations