Zealous Representation and Advocacy in a Collaborative System Choosing the most effective advocacy for different situations
2 Relationship Clients must develop a relationship with the department Attorneys can model such successful relationships
3 Mediation Exploration of clients’ strengths and needs Help balance the power by preparing clients, guide them to making their own requests for help, more able to accept if their idea
4 Supporting Dignity Advocate for cognitively appropriate services Simple manners can help client have a framework of honor
5 Communication Strategies Homeless - set times to call Non-English speaking - interpreters Illiterate – iconic letters Educate on effective use of voic , helps you communicate with client and client with department and providers, complete messages
6 Cultivating Human Resources Social workers Support staff with the court and the Department (may need a secretary to walk down the hall to slip a note under a door) Providers
7 Use Disclosure Offers Easily accessible background information in the department file Set enough time to review, may be hidden treasures or land mines Determine department policy on copies
8 Communication with Represented Individuals Social workers – if asking a “difficult” question of a social worker outside of the presence of his counsel, suggest he consult before answering Get permission from other counsel in the case before having unsupervised contact with client, adult or child, possibly a signed waiver
9 Personality Conflicts Gain power by naming it Yours or you clients? Mediate Use supervisors Ask questions
10 Invitation to Do the Right Thing Ask questions instead of making statements Let others think it’s their good idea Don’t be afraid to use your power for good
11 Two Heads May Be Better Than One Ask for support Become someone’s protégé Don’t ask the judge or opposing counsel for advice Use the social work concept of “supervision”
12 When All Else Fails Know when to suck it up and file.
13 Healthy Distance Recognize and Prevent: Compassion fatigue Secondary trauma Burn out