13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 1 Up-to-date Cosmic p-ISM Interaction Modeling and “Anomalies” in -Rays, Positrons, and Anti-Protons 13 January, 2005 Tune Kamae (SLAC) (in collaboration with colleagues at SLAC) Plan of this Talk Galactic diffuse -ray emission “GeV Excess” in the EGRET spectrum Recent work on p-ISM interaction What are new in this work Model A with diff. process and scaling violation GeV Excess explained? Anomalies in e+ and p-bar explained? Conclusion and future Prospects
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 2 Galactic Diffuse -ray Emission: COS-B Observation - First glimpse into cosmic ray interaction with ISM - Galactic diffuse emission by pp->pi0, bremsstrahlung, and inverse-Compton scattering predicted by Ginzburg, Hayakawa and others in 1960’s. Galactic Center Vela pulsar Crab pulsar Geminga pulsar Cygnus region Local structure (Ophiuchus)
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 3 Gal. Diffuse Emission, Accel. Sites, and CR Propagation - Interplay of CR, ISM and B-field - Escaping electron Galactic Halo Galactic Ridge Trapped proton Trapped electron Brems. (diffuse) IC by elect (diff) 0 ( ) (conf) IC at accel site (conf) Escaping proton 0 production (direct + decay) in GMC Accel. sites (SNR, pulsar) Star light (rad. field) Earth Synch. rad. at accel site (confined) 0 ( ) (diff)
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 4 Galactic Diffuse -ray: Modeling of pp Interaction - Early models for pp -> p0 inclusive production - Data from Fermi Lab Earlier models need to be re-examined with data from ISR, CERN-SPS, and Fermi Lab and measurements. Galactic diffuse emission by pp->pi0: Predicted by S. Hayakawa, Ginzburg, et al. Early models of PP->pi0 for astrophysical applications: Stecker, Stephens & Badwar, and Dermer
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 5 Galactic Diffuse -ray: EGRET Observation - Intensity Map - Galactic Ridge
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 6 Galactic Diffuse -ray: Diffuse Emission point-sources subtracted - E =70-100MeV E = MeV E = MeV Av. Intensity of this region
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 7 Galactic Diffuse -Ray: EGRET GeV Excess Hunter et al Excess 6<b<10 2<b<6 -2<b<2 -6<b<-2 Data Scaling model prediction Scaling model prediction Data dN/dE E [MeV] E 2 dN/dE E [MeV]
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 8 ISM-Bound Emission: No.1/2 - Longitudinal distribution predicted by Strong, Moskalenko, & Reimer - GC E = MeV E = MeVE = MeV E = MeVE =1-2GeVE =2-4GeV
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 9 ISM-Bound Emission: No.2/2 - Glat Distr for 3 Glon Regions (-74~-34,-30~30,34~74) - l=-74~-34 l=-30~-30l=34~-74 Deconvoled Thickness of the measured Galactic disk: independent of E and Glon Galactic Plane Galactic Plane Galactic Plane Intensity map from the EGRET archive New intensity map by T.K. et al to be published
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 10 Galactic Diffuse -ray: Modern Simulation Studies No.1/2 - PP 0 -ray in SNR and Galactic Ridge - Proton’s power-law index = 2.0 Proton’s power-law index = 2.0,2.25,2.5 Scaling law Isobar Model (Dermer) Isobar Model (Dermer)
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 11 Galactic Diffuse -ray: Modern Simulation Studies No.2/2 - Run with Early Version of Pythia - M. Mori simulated pp > 0 > -ray using HADRIN and PYTHIA in 1997 and concluded that their prediction is similar to the scaling model predictions. Index of protons ~2.73
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 12 What Are New in The Present Work? 1.Diffractive process (“Renormalized”) in the cosmic PP interactions. 2.Scaling Violation (Pythia with CDF Tune A) in the cosmic PP interactions. A.All secondary particle fluxes will increase in the GeV-TeV range. B.Diffraction dissociation favors positively charged secondary particles. Three “anomalies” may be explained by diffractive process and scaling violation: GeV Excess in Galactic -ray spectrum p-bar flux at Earth e+ spectrum at Earth Parameterized e e +,, -bar, p-bar inclusive spectra for 0.5 GeV<T p <512 TeV Programs used: Pythia 6.2 (with CDF Tune A), U. W.-Milwaukee parameterization of the Stephens-Badhwar model [coded by TK] Diffraction Dissociation model (DiffDissocSimNew.py) [coded by TK]
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 13 Our Model A and Model B Model A (the most-updated and our preferred model): tot (pp)= el + inel (non-diff)+ inel( diffractive) Non-diffractive inelastic interaction: Tp>=62.5GeV: Pythia 6.2 with “Scaling violation” through “multiple interaction” (CDF TuneA included in Pythia 6.2) Tp<62.5GeV: Parameterized version of the Stephens-Badhwar Model (by a group at U. of Wisconsin at Milwaukee) (same for Model B) Diffraction process: (DiffDissocSimNew.py) “Renormalized” diffraction model by K. Goulianos 1995 Model B (used for confirmation: no scaling violation in the non-diff part nor no “renormalization” in diff part) Non-diffractive inelastic interaction: Tp>=62.5GeV: Pythia 6.1 without “Scaling violation”
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 14 PP Cross Sections: Scaling Model (Model B) - Particle Physics in
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 15 PP Cross Sections: Our Model A - Scaling Violation & Renormalized Model of Diffraction - Scaling ModelOur Model A
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 16 Pythia with Scaling Choice with Model B Cross-Section - Inclusive gamma-ray cross-section - Tp=512TeV Tp=256TeV Tp=62.5GeV Model B
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 17 Pythia with Scaling Violation and Model A Cross-Section - Inclusive gamma-ray cross-section - Tp=512TeV Tp=256TeV Tp=62.5GeV
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 18 Low Energy PP Interaction: Stephen & Badhwar Model No.1/2 S. R. Blattnig et al., “Parametrizations of Inclusive Cross-Sections for Pion Production in Proton Proton Collisions“, Phys. Rev. D62, (2000) Common to Model A and Model B except for cross-section
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 19 Low Energy PP Interaction: Stephen & Badhwar Model No.2/2 - Gamma-Ray Spectrum - S. R. Blattnig et al., “Parametrizations of Inclusive Cross-Sections for Pion Production in Proton Proton Collisions“, Phys. Rev. D62, (2000) Common to Model A and Model B except for cross-section
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 20 Diffractive Process : No.1/3 - Monte Calro Simulator “DiffDissocSimNew.py”- Diffractive Processes Double-Diff. Proc. Single-Diff. Proc. Projectile-Diff. Proc. Target-Diff. Proc. Mass 2 of “excited fireball” Target region Projectile region
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 21 Diffractive Process : No.2/3 - Monte Calro Simulator “DiffDissocSimNew.py”- Double-Diff. Proc. pLab of the projectile fireball pLab of the target fireball Nch of the projectile fireball Nch of the target fireball
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 22 Diffractive Process No.3/3 - Double peaked spectra with low multiplicity -
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 23 Relative -Ray Yields: Model A and Model B - Non-Diffractive Process - Model A = 1.65 x Model B
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 24 Relative g-Ray Yields: Model A Diff and Non-Diff - Importance of Diffractive Process - Diff. contributes significantly here.
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 25 Verification of Model A: No.1/2 - Charged Multiplicity Distribution - Scaling Model Model A UA5 Data
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 26 Verification of Model A: No.2/2 - Pi-zero Multiplicity - Scaling Model Model A
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 27 Cosmic Proton Spectrum in Galactic Ridge: Galprop No.1/2 - Galaxy simulator by Strong and Moskalenko - Moskalenko, Strong, Ormes & Potgieter ApJ, 565, 280 (2002) Local Intersteller Spectrum (LIS) LIS Spectrum near Earth (Near Earth) Modulation by Solar B-field and Solar Wind Near Earth Particle interaction modeling
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 28 Cosmic Proton Spectrum in Galactic Ridge: Galprop No.2/2 - Galaxy simulator by Strong and Moskalenko - Slightly harder “injection spectrum” at cosmic-ray sources: our Trial4GR spectrum Boron/Carbon ratio Positron spectrump-bar spectrum LIS under-predict
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 29 Galactic Diffuse -ray Spectrum for Ind=2, LIS and Trial4GR Prediction of Scaling Models Prediction of Model A Scaling ModelsModel A Model A predicts: 1) a harder -ray spectrum (diffractive process) 2) a higher flux (rising non-diff. cross-sec. and scaling violation) than scaling models
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 30 GeV Excess Explained ? No.1/2 EGRET Intensity in L=(-30,30) B=(-5,5) Model A (LIS) SMR04 (LIS) Gamma-rays from pp 0 Model B (LIS)
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 31 GeV Excess Explained? No.2/2 Scaling Models EGRET Model A (LIS) Model A (Trial4GR) Explains about 50% of the Excess with LIS. Explains the Excess fully with Trial4GR. Our 0 Brems IC Galprop, LIS)
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 32 Anomalies in e+ and p-bar ? No.1/2 de Boer et al Neutralino decay to -ray? Neutralino decay to p-bar?
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 33 Anomalies in e+ and p-bar ? No.2/2 de Boer et al Measurement by HEAT collaboration (e+ spectrum by a series of balloon exp.)
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 34 Model A Prediction on p-bar Spectrum Exp. data Scaling model with LIS Model A vs. Model B
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 35 Model A Prediction on Positrons Spectrum Diffractive process favors e+ over e- e+ e- Non-Diffractive process dominates overall spectrum
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 36 Parameterization of pp > Inclusive Cross-Sections Non-diffractive red: fit to simulated data blue: parameterization Definition of P0-P8: x = log10(Tp) <Tp< 512.0TeV [0]*exp(-[1]*( x-[3] + [2]*(x-[3])**2)**2) + [4]*exp(-[5]*( x-[8] + [6]*(x-[8])**2 + [7]*(x-[8])**3)**2) d ( incl)/dlogE = Sum of the following two “skewed” Gaussians [0]*exp(-[1]*((x-[2])/(1.0+[3]*(x-[2])))**2) [4]*exp(-[5]*((x-[6])/(1.0+[7]*(x-[6])))**2) Diffractive dissoc. red: fit to simulated data blue: parameterization
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 37 Parameterization of pp > e Inclusive Cross-Sections Diffractive dissoc. red: parameterization for e+ blue: parameterization for e Non-diffractive red: parameterization for e+ blue: parameterization for e Definition of P0-P8: x = log10(Tp) <Tp< 512.0TeV [0]*exp(-[1]*( x-[3] + [2]*(x-[3])**2)**2) + [4]*exp(-[5]*( x-[8] + [6]*(x-[8])**2 + [7]*(x-[8])**3)**2) d ( incl)/dlogE = Sum of the following two “skewed” Gaussians [0]*exp(-[1]*((x-[2])/(1.0+[3]*(x-[2])))**2) [4]*exp(-[5]*((x-[6])/(1.0+[7]*(x-[6])))**2)
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 38 Conclusion and Prospects for GLAST 1.Accurate modeling of p( )-ISM interaction is likely to explain the GeV Excess with minor modification in the cosmic proton ( ) spectrum. 2.We expect a higher anti-proton flux for Model A (rising and scaling violation). 3.Excess of e+ flux over e expected for E > 5 GeV by the diffractive process. 4.With much improved -ray data from GLAST and e + /p-bar data from PAMELA, we can map the baryonic matter distribution in the Galaxy accurately. 5.We will incorporate our Model A to Galprop and make a very reliable model of Galaxy in near future.
13 January, 2005Seminar at UCSC 39 What can we do beyond GLAST? 1.Parameterize angular distri. of secondaries >> Simulate AGN jets >> -rays from filaments in SNR 2.Include multiple Pomeron Ex. (in diff. dissoc.), mini-jets (multiple parton int.) and nuclear effects >> Calibrate AGASA/Hires/Auger and study UHE 3. New particle physics? >> Study the first UHE interaction in the upper atmosphere