1 EDIT 652- Distance Learning By: Laura Brennan Hercules and the Neaman Lion
2 Hercules (Greek: Herakles) Hercules’ name means “Glory of Hera”. Hera was his father Zeus’ wife, but Hercules was actually the son of the Zeus and the mortal woman Alkmene. Hera’s hatred for Hercules contributed to his insanity in which he slew his wife and children. Hercules was a hero of great strength and was later made a god.
3 LABOR 1 – Defeating the Nemean Lion The first labor that Hercules was asked to complete was to rid the Nemean plains of a lion that was said to be invulnerable. Nemea
4 Realizing no weapon could kill this monster he rid himself of [bow and club], and fought the monster with his bare hands, with incredible strength. Heracles wrapped his great arms around the lion’s neck and strangled it to death. Once the huge monster was dead Heracles set about skinning the beast, but the skin was so tough he could neither tear or cut it. Then he tried the enormous claws which were very sharp, this time it penetrated the hide and Heracles removed his trophy. Realizing how impenetrable it was he threw it over himself as a cloak, and pulling the head over his own as a helmet making the pelt into armor which would make him even more powerful. From this time on the skin of the Nemean Lion became one of the attributes of Heracles, and so did the olive-wood club. He tried to slay him with a bow and arrow and when that didn’t work he strangled him with his own hands :
5 Hercules strangling the lion with his bare hands.
6 He tore the skin off the lion for a trophy and wore it like armor making him invulnerable.
7 Hercules Movie Clip 1958 version of Hercules starring Steve Reeves Hercules defeating the Nemean lion
8 Hercules Assessment What is the meaning of Hercules/Herakles' name? What is the relationship between Hercules/Herakles and the goddess Hera? How did Hercules/Herakles defeat the Neaman lion?
9 References n.htmlhttp:// n.html htmlhttp:// html es1.htmlhttp://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Heracl es1.html lhttp:// l htmlhttp:// html l#HeroOfHeroeshttp://messagenet.com/myths/bios/heracles.htm l#HeroOfHeroes