Theater Arts Course: Intermediate Acting Unit: Acting Tools
Big Ideas Enduring Understandings Drama, in both comedy and tragedy, is created through pursuing an objective with total commitment. Drama, in both comedy and tragedy, is created through pursuing an objective with total commitment. It is the pursuit of an objective that generates the excitement in theater, film, and life. It is the pursuit of an objective that generates the excitement in theater, film, and life.
Standard: Strand 1 Create Concept 2 Acting: Acting is the process and art of representing a character in the classroom, on stage, or in other media. Concept 2 Acting: Acting is the process and art of representing a character in the classroom, on stage, or in other media. PO203 Demonstrate mental and physical attributes required for creating and performing a character in a scene or play. PO203 Demonstrate mental and physical attributes required for creating and performing a character in a scene or play.
Cognitive: General Objective C3: demonstrates correct usage of a method C3: demonstrates correct usage of a method C3.1 Demonstrates the ability to focus on one objective C3.1 Demonstrates the ability to focus on one objective C3.2 Demonstrates complete concentration on completing a task. C3.2 Demonstrates complete concentration on completing a task.
Affective General Objective A3: Demonstrates problem-solving attitude A3: Demonstrates problem-solving attitude A3.1 Follows a mindful plan for completing the objective A3.1 Follows a mindful plan for completing the objective
Psychomotor General Objective P2: Shows desire to complete the objective. P2: Shows desire to complete the objective. P2.1 Proceeds and follows through with action to complete objective P2.1 Proceeds and follows through with action to complete objective
Simulation 1 We will pass a basketball around the room with the rules that everyone in the circle must handle the ball and not drop it. We will pass a basketball around the room with the rules that everyone in the circle must handle the ball and not drop it. Our objective is to pass the ball around as many times as possible within 2 minutes. Our objective is to pass the ball around as many times as possible within 2 minutes. Within the simulation we will generate ideas on how to improve our outcome. Within the simulation we will generate ideas on how to improve our outcome.
Simulation 2 We will create an activity with a simple objective for each individual to get under the rope with out touching it or the floor. We will create an activity with a simple objective for each individual to get under the rope with out touching it or the floor. We will create given circumstances that are high stakes for not getting under the rope. We will create given circumstances that are high stakes for not getting under the rope.
Questions Were you able to focus on one objective fully and completely? Were you able to focus on one objective fully and completely? What were some distractions? What were some distractions? Could you recognize the drama in the exercise? Could you recognize the drama in the exercise? How did you use concentration to complete the task? How did you use concentration to complete the task? What did it feel like to focus on one thing? What did it feel like to focus on one thing?