Presenting Research Findings Ronan Fitzpatrick School of Computing, Dublin Institute of Technology. February 2007
Introduction Understanding the presentation Presentation format Presentation structure Slide quality Presentation style Rehearsing the presentation Answering questions Tips of the masters
Understanding the presentation Apply W6h to your presentation what, who, why, when, where, which, how
Presentation format Acetate slides and overhead projector Photographic slides and slide projector Electronic slide show (PowerPoint, Freelance Graphics) and data projector Manual presentation Timed slide show Multimedia Combination of two or three
Presentation structure Introduction Content Balance Conclusion
Slide quality - 1 Slide content Relevance, depth & breadth Slide layout Text fonts, sizes and styles Colour Graphics/multimedia Sequence Logical order Content sequence Transition & Animation
Slide footer Consistency Slide quality - 2
Presentation style Oral Clear voice Notes Confidence Addressing the audience, eye contact, ownership of slides Posture Standing or sitting Position – where to stand
Presentation rehearsal Alone or with audience Equipment Acoustics Timing Slide sequence, content, meaning
Response to questions Interpretation Understanding of topic Clarity of response Ability to discuss Control If you don’t know, say so If you haven’t researched that question, say so.
Tips of the masters - 1 A ‘selling job’, so, mention the good things you’ve done The sources you consulted The experts you contacted The study and analysis your completed The deliverables you created The publications you’ve achieved
Working copy Copy on PC or laptop Backup copy Presentation copy Copy on a floppy Copy on a USB key Copy at a web site or account Set of Acetates Set of handouts Tips of the masters - 2
People in your audience Protagonist Supporter who sees the merit and value of what you’re doing and encourages you Has informed, meaningful and relevant questions Antagonist Doesn’t understand or is a falling star Asks ignorant, negative or irrelevant questions Me too merchant Needs to show own importance Asks no question at all, just talks and talks. Tips of the masters - 3
Maintaining control During the presentation During questioning Tips of the masters - 4
Conclusion Understanding the presentation Presentation format Presentation structure Slide quality Presentation style Rehearsing the presentation Answering questions Tips of the masters